ESPN Became MSESPN and Earnings Are Collapsing

Who watches Sports
Who watches more Sports? Conservatives.
  • ESPN’s income declined 11% compared to last year.
  • Every single day this year ESPN has lost roughly 10,000 cable and satellite subscribers.
  • [ESPN has lost] over 13 million cable and satellite subscribers in the past several years.

( The result of this coming financial calamity has been panic, which has primarily manifested itself in a desperate ploy for relevance. ESPN decided to become a social justice warrior network, treating all liberal opinion makers as those worthy of promotion and casting aside all those who had the gall to challenge the new Disney world order.

ESPN became MSESPN. 

Colin Kaepernick is “standing” next year. Maybe ESPN should do the same, seeing as more of their subscribers are likely to be conservative rather than liberal.

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