Democrat Immigration and Refugee Policy Exposes Your Kids to Exotic Diseases

leprosyNothing says compassion like subjecting your citizens to rare diseases they thought vanquished within our nation’s borders. That’s right, boys and girls, the Democrat Party policy of open borders and the resettlement of refugees from third-world toilets comes with side effects. What kind? Tuberculosis, Hand, Foot and Mouth disease, and YES! Leprosy.

Jurupa Unified School District officials sent a letter home to parents Friday to inform them about the unconfirmed cases (of Leprsoy) and provide resources to learn more about the rare disease, said district Supt. Elliott Duchon.

Duchon said a parent notified the school’s nursing staff of a preliminary diagnosis of Hansen’s disease for a student at the school. He would not say whether the two suspected cases were in the same family.

So, the Obama Administration’s mass import of future Democrat voters has more side effects. Culture clash. Budget-busting tax burdens. Threats to national stability. And infectious diseases.

And nothing says “bring down the rising cost of health care” like bringing in rare infectious diseases that the medical system you badmouthed had almost entirely eradicated from our shores.

Diseases ‘The State’ used to screen for when someone showed up at the door.

That was when there was a “door.”

Successive progressive regime initiatives have left the door battered and broken, if there’ even a door there at all. And the only ‘check’ is the one the feds hand to resettlement agencies, billions of tax dollars exchanged for dropping people-shaped Petri dishes in your backyard with no grasp of the culture beyond its ability to pay their way.

And your beloved State – peace be upon it – is more focused on shouting down opposition than ensuring the health and safety of the domestic population.


Open Borders Narratives Are About Politics, not Compassion

We know the government is incapable of screening these new and future Americans for links to terror states or terrorist groups. And let’s be honest, they don’t care if our enemies sneak in a few thousand terrorists with every million new potential Democrat voters.

And if your leaders are not worried about whether some of them might arrive radicalized or “self-radicalize” and cause a “man-made disaster” killing clueless Americans in some crowded corner of the Fruited Plain, why would they concern themselves with something as simple as passing TB or Leprosy off to some unsuspecting, hard-working American family or their children?

This is about the movement. It is about building the one-party state.

Who cares if these diseases could have a grave impact on, say, Women’s Health™, as an example. So what if an outbreak kills off a few elderly, young children, or people whose lifestyle choices have weakened their immune systems?

Screw them, right?

This is about math. The math says that if you import tens of millions of undereducated or uneducated foreigners and make them wholly dependent on the government to survive, all you have to do is give them voting rights and a majority of them will repay you with their support.

You will eventually have the electoral mandate to silence opposition and the power to enforce your agenda on everyone, in every state, whether they want that or not.

If some school kids have to get TB or Leprosy or any other number of rare diseases to achieve the goal of a single-party Democrat state, so what? You have to break a lot of eggs to make the Progressive Utopian Omelette.

And before you go off the rails, if you think the idea that Democrats are using immigration and refugees to tilt elections in their favor crazy, then forget that part and explain why exposing the domestic population to unscreened carriers of exotic diseases is not in itself grotesquely irresponsible behavior?




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