US Government to Defend Individual Religious Beliefs…

baker-jamaica-rastafarian-ganjaUS Government is finally standing up for the individual religious beliefs…of a Rastafarian.

The Obama administration is spending taxpayer dollars to sue a private business for not allowing a male employee to have long, matted and knotted hair required to practice an “Afrocentric” religion in which followers also smoke marijuana (“the spiritual use of cannabis”). Known as Rastafari, it was born in the slums of Jamaica and followers must have dreadlocks, long clumps of ungroomed hair, symbolizing the mane of the Lion of Judah.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that enforces the nation’s workplace discrimination laws, is suing on behalf of a Rastafari prep cook in an Orlando, Florida Walt Disney resort who was ordered to cut his dreadlocks because it didn’t comply with the company’s appearance standards. Disney isn’t the defendant, but rather the Orlando staffing company, Hospitality Staff, that provides workers for central Florida’s huge hospitality industry. When Disney complained about the employee’s hair, Hospitality Staff management told the prep cook (Courtney Joseph) to cut his hair if he wanted to return to work, even though Joseph explained that he couldn’t because he was a practicing Rastafarian and his dreadlocks were part of his religious beliefs.

Little Sisters and Priests for Life are probably wondering where the government was when their religious rights were being violated? Wait, that’s right. It was the Obama Administration doing the violating. Move along.

Judicial Watch

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