Thanks to the Fani Willis Trial We Know That Central Bank Digital Currency … Is Racist

Someone at the DNC or the Biden White House needs to take a bit more time vetting the “prosecutors” with whom they collude in their war on Trump. Fani Willis seems dirty, corrupt, and bad at keeping track of all the cash she gets and spends. On a positive note, her testimony may have harpooned Central Bank Digital Currency.

The pair of law enforcement professionals adopted the fraudster’s classic excuse: all the critical transactions that cleared everything up and resolved all the problems happened without records or receipts because it was all done in cash. They never wrote any of the payments down anywhere because they just trusted each other. They never mentioned all the cash payments in any text messages or emails or anything because just because. Mostly it was Fani paying Wade back, for squiring her through a series of sensuous, all-frills romantic vacations in exotic, high-roller destinations like Belize, Aruba, and Napa, California, where she toured wineries and noshed at five-star restaurants. …

The details of their alibis would only infuriate you, such as Fani’s claims she’s never used checks, that she keeps large amounts of cash around wherever “she lays her head,” but can’t account for exactly where the cash came from (“When I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign, I kept some of the cash of that”), and that she never asked for receipts or any statement in order to know how much to pay Mr. Wade, just his word, because he is such an honest fellow

You say there’s nothing wrong with cash – and I’d agree. Cash is King. Cash needs to stay in every way, but – despite all the Hollywood writers crafting scripts about criminals using digital currency to hide their crimes, cash is still king in crime, from protection operations, extortion, and drugs to prostitution, and it’s handy if you need to bribe government officials. You don’t want records of that or your tax evasion, which, as Jeff Childrers also notes at Coffee and COVID, they can never get rid of cash).

It is also a black thing, according to Fani Willis’… Father.

Called the following Day instead of Fani, who was expected to take the stand for cross-examination but never showed, Dad – a full-time Marxist, by all accounts, explained away all the cash-talk testimony of his daughter and her lover as having “always trained Fani to keep a lot of cash around the house because that’s a thing that black folks just do.“… “And his reason why black folks keep cash? Racism, of course. The magical invocation that explains everything and nothing at all.”

Keeping cash around, having cash, and paying with cash is something black folks do, he says, which means that its intended replacement, Central Bank Digital Currency, is not something in which the Black community is interested. Forcing them onto a digital dollar is racist and probably colonialist white supremacy.

The American uni party franchise of the NWO, led by the Democrat Party, has something of a problem if that is true. If black lives matter, so does cash, and we can’t have any of that digital racism you’ve got ready to go. People will need cash as an option, which puts a spanner in the works.

It won’t stop them. The Left-lead establishment has been screwing over Black Americans since before they were Americans, so they’ll figure it out, but as much of a mess as Willis is in, I couldn’t help having some fun with the testimony.

But what if CBDC is racist? The Media should do some polls.


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