Reminder: The Hunter Biden Laptop Cover Up Was a Classic American Disinformation Campaign

Discussing Hillary’s illegal email server was election interference, but indicting Donald Trump is not. The Hunter Biden Laptop story was also election interference quickly “debunked” by scores of experts whose commentary had all the hallmarks of an American Disinformation campaign.

A quick hop in the not-so-way-back machine reveals the evidence.


More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The letter, signed on Monday, centers around a batch of documents released by the New York Post last week that purport to tie the Democratic nominee to his son Hunter’s business dealings. Under the banner headline “Biden Secret E-mails,” the Post reported it was given a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive by President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said he got it from a Mac shop owner in Delaware who also alerted the FBI.


The Hunter Laptop has since been “officially” determined to be genuine, as is all the Biden family dirt it contains, but these are details that have yet to be approved by the council of mainstream media Bishops for public consumption. It is far too sensitive, as is the subject of the “more than 50” intelligence experts whose intelligence should be questioned, if not subject to relentless abuse by the same media. Sorry, that’s not been approved either.

Do we need to wait 75 years?

The hard drive contents have been online for a while now. Everyone who wants one has a copy. If you’re not interested in fisking or fishing, Marco Polo released a 660-page report on the contents that you can skim here. Some of that is broken down into more digestible bits of Biden Family crime and corruption here. But neither this nor the problem of unintelligent experts is required reading for voters. Nor has it pierced the veil of the collective consciousness. Most no nothing (John Snow) of the fraud contained nor the fraud perpetrated to interfere in a presidential election.

A significant proportion of Biden voters have said they’d not have voted had they known. This does not appear to have translated to 2024, at least not yet.

Given the battle at hand and the likelihood of vote-flipping software, ballot-box stuffing, and other foolishness, might itnot be advantageous to remind people that the swamp is full of dirty liars and they’ll do or say anything to protect their monopoly on power?

A power that permits what Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family have done and gotten away with little fear of consequence.


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