Will “Radioactive” Japanese Fish Create Super-Soldiers?

After it decided to dump Fukushima wastewater into the ocean, several of Japan’s most prominent “customers” have banned seafood purchases from the country. Seeing an opportunity to help, the US government has offered to purchase tons of the stuff to feed its military.

Who knows what radioactive fish might do to our fighting force? Turn them into Aquaman? This is, of course, parody. The US Government isn’t trying to create super-soldiers. Their current mission appears to be a defense force made up of Corporal Max Klinger; only they are not dressing up as women to get out of the service. Under the Biden Administration, doing so is a fast track to promotion. Their motto might be strength through weakness, but you’d have to be strong for that to work. With fewer young men and women singing up, even staying only army strong becomes increasingly unlikely.

As for the fish, I can’t say one way or the other if they’d be radioactive or if that would have any detrimental effect on the US military. Still, China, South Korea, and Russia refuse to purchase the stuff, so America is coming to the rescue.


In an interview, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel said the U.S. Armed Forces is ready to sign a long-term contract with Japanese seafood suppliers to help address the fallout from the restrictions and total bans made against Japanese seafood exports.

Emanuel added that seafood such as Japanese fish, scallops and other products will be served on U.S. Navy ships and stocked in commissaries and mess halls at 17 American military bases in the region.

However, Emanuel acknowledged that feeding Japanese seafood to U.S. soldiers is not enough to offset the economic downturn coming for the Japanese seafood industry, especially due to the loss of the massive Chinese market. But the move should be enough to make a statement about Beijing’s “economic coercion.”


China and Russia, I could understand. Weakening a US ally economically makes sense, but South Korea? Perhaps they are genuinely concerned.

And look at Rham Emannuel, not letting a crisis go to waste. What a guy. And who knew he was the US Ambassador to Japan? I had no clue.

As for the fish, they come from all around the Archipelago, not just near Fukushima. And anyone who knows anything about toxicity (if it even matters) knows that the dose makes the poison, and even if there are legitimate concerns near the decommissioned reactor (and I have no clue if there are), that doesn’t implicate all the fish in the ocean.


China and South Korea didn’t stop fishing. But feel free to boycott if it makes you feel better. As for our service members, I hear food on the ship is typically pretty bad already. Potentially radioactive fish might be a step up. Just don’t try to be Aquaman. Before the woke invasion of the industry, he was one of the least popular DC heroes. Now there is a pile of them, and Marvel has also done its best to ruin their Universe.

It’s almost as if the Comics is another institution the Left has set out to destroy. Leaving room for what? More Japanese Anime’.


HT | Natural News

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