UNH Pres Wants Another 100 Mil or Else

New unh-logo_emblem
Look What $65K buys you at UNH – This logo no one likes.

The President of UNH is on a mission.  His goal is to not raise in-state tuition.  In a free market you’d talk to suppliers, look at internal operations, streamline your offerings, modify compensation, or optimize productivity.  You’d get rid of what doesn’t work and focus on what does work.

I’m not sure UNH knows how to do that.  What they do know how to do is to ask the legislature to fleece taxpayers for 200 million.  It is like kidnapping or extortion.  Pay up every budget cycle or else.  Or else what?   The person buying the education will have to pay for it themselves?

I say let them.

When the student has to pay they and any parent(s) might put more effort into evaluating the exchange.  Education for money.  Is the ‘UNH Movie’ worth the price of admission?   When the answer to that question is no the solution is to change the product or how it is delivered not to mug passersby for their pocket change until you’ve scraped up enough to get warm bodies into the “empty seats.”

The liberal education industrial complex has done everything it can to secure its monopoly. Cartel U has a sweet government deal on college loans, indentured servitude plans to work off your “passage,” a professional media marketing machine called ‘the press,’ and a government run K-12 farm system that delivers increasingly unprepared rookies who will pay more for more years in the cartel just to learn things high school graduates already knew a generation or two in the past.

Taxpayers need to evaluate what they get in return for being mugged by the legislature to finance other people’s increasingly expensive education.  The short answer is well dressed beggars who wouldn’t otherwise give you the time of day.  The long answer is overpaid well dressed beggars who increasingly teach propaganda and twaddle in exchange for credentials that could only get you a job at entitlement U.


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