Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Second Amendment Road to Damascus “Moment”

Dr. Naomi Wolf is an admitted product of the 60s Hippie-Intellectual left. Liberal born and bred. But she’s recently had a change of heart. I wouldn’t call her a conservatarian just yet, but she has left the LEFT. And part of that journey was discovering why we have a second amendment and why we need it.

It was not as sudden a change as the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, but the conversion appears genuine. And being articulate, a writer by profession, her conversion makes for a good read.

A great read. And I’ll leave you to take that up when you can because it’s long but worth the time. I wanted to focus on one bit because it strikes me as most relevant and one that she explores in more detail later in the piece, but that I’d like to sum up with fewer words (I Hope).


Existential Vulnerability

Emphasis mine.


“… I thought of my decades of struggling with the issue of female victimization: the existential vulnerability of women who are always in danger from anyone bigger and stronger who wished to injure or exploit them.


Dr. Wolf is talking about armed, trained women no longer having to live like (or be) victims of those bigger and stronger. About having the confidence, awareness, and responsibility that comes with being properly trained to carry and use a firearm—being aware that threats exist but no longer living in fear of it.

My takeaway looks like this. [T]he existential vulnerability of a disarmed populace always in danger from a government that wishes to injure or exploit them. 

As Dr. Wolf notes further on in her piece,


“…I believe that we are at a moment that our Founders, in their nearly-Prophetic wisdom, knew might come to pass. We are at the kind of moment for which the Second Amendment may have been written in just the clear, unequivocal way that it was.


The second amendment serves one deep and meaningful purpose. To protect the people from a government that seeks to injure or exploit them. To protect liberty from human nature and its inevitable desire for power and the tyranny required to maintain that power.

Now is why we have it. Now is why we need more than ever to protect and defend it.

I hope Dr. Wolf’s conversion manages to inspire others to recognize the encroaching tyranny of the Left’s authoritarian tick.

Please read it and share.



HT | Dr. Naomi Wolf


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