Organizing For Acorn Squash Takes Over Democrat’s “Ruining Thanksgiving Tradition”

Well, it is shaped like an ‘O’

The DCCC has been sending out holiday cheat sheets for years, proof that Democrat voters really are too stupid to know what their own talking points are or how to articulate them.  That’s doubly funny because I know what they are without even looking.

Well this year OFA (Organizing for Acorn Squash) has an instructional video to help you “help millions of Americans get affordable health care, some for the first time.”  By forcing people to buy things they don’t need or want…for the first time.   OK.  I added that last part.

Did you ever see American’s Funniest home Video’s (years ago) when they had a video of a dog pushing a rock, and the voice over was “pushin’ a rock, pushin’ a rock…”

That’s the Democrat party.

Of course this year the rock is enormous and it has crushed Obama’s legacy™, ruined any chance the left had of taking back the House, likley damaged state level races peopled with the peoples republic of ObamaCare supporting Democrats, and continues to kick regular American’s off their plans they were promised they could keep, forcing them to consider plans they can’t afford (or to simply go without), and away from hospitals and doctors they need who will no longer be in the network or who have been laid off or quit their practice to escape it.

And all this time we thought Fast and Furious, Black Panthers, Benghazi, the Holder perjury (perjuries), Julia, the Sebelius Shakedown,  Solyndra, GSA gone Wild, the IRS scandal, Attack Watch, NSA spying (Domestic and International), the Arab spring/winter, Turth Teams forwarding your emails to Obama enforcers, not to mention congressional end-arounds and violations of oath of office (oaf of office?) and Constitution….were what would crush the Obama Legacy™ – or do I mean ‘define it?’

The Organizing for Acorn Squash video is appropriately titled ‘Health Care for the Holidays.’  This is appropriate because thanks to Democrats it might be the last time tens of millions of people are even covered by Health Care until February 2014 or later, and not just because they can’t get logged into the crappy web-portal that couldn’t.  The whole system is so ripe with contradictions it is impossible for many to even complete the information required without being guilty of fraud, which is what happen when you write Rube-Goldbergian legislation that even 20 plus thousand pages of rules cannot un-tangle.

But hey, keep pushing that rock, right over the holidays.

I’m not sure what kind of ‘friend’ or family’ would regurgitate this sort of Obama-ganda over the holiday victuals,  probably the same sort who as a wedding gift to you donated money to the Obama campaign.  But you don’t have to take it anymore.  If not inviting your families resident O-hole (s) to dinner is not an option (as in, “If you like your invitation to Thanksgiving Dinner, you can keep it”), just disarm them at the beginning of dinner.  Put them on the defensive. Get them off their talking points.

“Dear Lord, we  pray for the Benghazi survivors, for Lois Lerner as she prepares to testify before congress again that she can redeem herself by speaking the truth, for the families of those injured or killed by terrorists in the US, for those beaten or intimidated by the New Black Panther Party without fear of prosecution, and for everyone targeted by the IRS, spied on by the NSA, those who lost their health care or seen their rates double or triple, for doctors and hospitals denied access to their own patients, and for those who have given up looking for jobs and are trapped on welfare or forced onto Medicaid…..”  ‘Amen.’

Pass the Acorn Squash please.

Update: From Ace of Spades, the other talking points – for talking with your obnoxious relatives about ObamaCare over Thanksgiving Dinner



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