The NHGOP Is Enabling And Funding DEI (That Lovely Euphemism For Anti-White Racism) ... WHY? - Granite Grok

The NHGOP Is Enabling And Funding DEI (That Lovely Euphemism For Anti-White Racism) … WHY?


First, credit where credit is due. Excellent piece in NH-NeverTrump Journal exposing how broadly and deeply the Left has implanted DEI … that lovely euphemism for anti-white racism that the NHGOP is afraid to call anti-white racism … into public education.

For example, Manchester employs a Tina Philbotte as the Manchester School District’s “Chief Equity Officer” at $120,000/year, TWICE the average salary of a teacher. And to do what? As you can see below, to indoctrinate students in Manchester public schools with anti-white racism:

Perhaps Manchester Mayor Ruais could explain to us what, for example, an “abolitionist educator” is and does? If he knows. According to Wikipedia:

And while you are at it, Mayor Ruais perhaps you could share your thoughts on “microaggressions,” or more generally on Ms. Philibotte NOT treating people as individuals, but instead categorizing them according to their skin-color:

The NH-NeverTrump Journal piece contains other examples of individuals like Tina Philibotte being paid massive salaries to indoctrinate children with CRT, DEI, BLM and whatever other wonderful euphemisms exist for anti-white racism. For example, the Oyster River School District’s analogue to Tina Philibotte:

Blansett’s “academic interests” include “challenging anti-Blackness and colonization ideology and theorizing/implementing accessible and liberatory practices.”

Rachael Blansett

And even before she came to New Hampshire, Blansett was speaking out for what she sees as racial justice. During a school board meeting in 2022, first reported by Granite Grok, it was revealed she recorded podcasts and posted comments on social media featuring messages like, “White people are not OK,” and “White people don’t wash their legs, and can’t dance.”





Why has not the NHGOP, which supposedly controls all three branches of State government, not prohibited anti-white racism … whether categorized as DEI, abolitionism, etc., … from being taught in New Hampshire’s public schools? And don’t tell me: LOCAL CONTROL. Jason Osborne and the other imposter-Republican “leaders” in the House are working feverishly to outlaw single family zoning, so they obviously do NOT really believe in local control.

And it is not just local school districts where taxpayers are being forced to subsidize “abolitionist teaching,” etc., etc., etc. … it’s UNH too:

UNH recently underwent a punishing round of layoffs and cuts to save $14 million in the budget. While the university’s art museum and journalism program, which has produced Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters, were affected, there appear to be no cuts to the university’s DEI programs. UNH pays at least $1 million a year in salaries for the DEI program staffers.

Why is the NHGOP funding anti-white racism at UNH, in addition to allowing local school districts to push anti-white racism? Here is why. Its “leaders” either don’t think it is a priority issue or they are afraid to take on the diversity-is-our-strength grifters or, worse, they actually buy into the “diversity-is-our-strength” canard. One such “leader,” Big Jo(k)e Sweeney:

A parental bill-of-rights is not going to get anti-white racism out of public schools … a law prohibiting DEI directors, equity officers, etc., etc., etc. is what is needed. But, apparently, Jo(k)e Sweeney … that self-proclaimed fiscal conservative … either supports or doesn’t have the nuts to take on the exceedingly well compensated “DEI”-bureaucracy.
