Seeking Asylum Separates ‘Parents’ From “Children” Especially When You Lie About It

Credit: Fox News

Of the few “children” who cross the border illegally “accompanied” by a parent or family member the most common cause of separation is seeking asylum.

If they just turned around and went home, they’d never have to part with their kids. If they applied to enter legally, they’d never be separated from their kids. But by seeking asylum, they force the government to detain them independently. And because of a decade’s old ruling by the Ninth Circus court of appeals, the US can only detain the kids for 20 days. After that, they have to find a suitable guardian while the asylee is processed (which can take months), separating them further from their kids.

Many of these applicants are only “applying for asylum” because they’ve been told by liberal aid agencies, traffickers, or others, that if they want to stay, they need to make some excuse to claim asylum, which, as Ann Coulter notes, is probably a lie.

The New Yorker article begins with “Caroline,” an illegal alien from a middle-class family in Africa, who passed herself off to U.S. immigration authorities as a victim of rape and torture. As she admitted to The New Yorker, while giggling: “I have never been raped.”

Fortunately, “Caroline had been tutored in how to act like a rape victim by her landlady in the Bronx, who hadn’t been raped, either, but had successfully applied for asylum.”


Coulter notes that Immigration officers charged with investigating claims are not necessarily Trump voters. In fact, they may feel inclined to support the liberal open borders narrative. And that doesn’t always work out well.

Our immigration officials are so thorough, so hard to fool, that they granted Beatrice Munyenyezi asylum and citizenship, allowing her and her kids to live off the U.S. taxpayers for 10 years before federal prosecutors noticed, Hey! Munyenyezi wasn’t a victim of the Rwandan genocide; she was a perpetrator! Munyenyezi had personally sentenced thousands of Rwandan women and children to death.

Human Rights abusers come here to escape retaliation in their home countries, and we just let them?

And now the poor murderess has been SEPARATED FROM HER CHILDREN!

Just like US citizens who break the law without regard for how it will separate them from their children.

One asylum applicant written about in The New York Times claimed she was being persecuted in Russia because she was gay. She told her immigration lawyer, “I’m not gay at all. I don’t even like gay people.” 

Isn’t fraud a felony?

And someone might want to remind those far-left Democrats working this scam, the same ones opposed to more thorough vetting and heightened border security, that Mr. Trump won on this issue. That there is substantial evidence connecting the soft Progressive policy priorities to gang violence, human sex trafficking, and the opioid epidemic.

I’m not hearing enough (see also, any!) pushback from Republican Party mouth-pieces on the downside to the far-left “favored” immigration antics. And until we do the Dem Party Leadership will continue to milk the fat udder of complicit media reporting and gorge themselves on its bounty.

Even though most if not all of what they are saying is hypocritcal or simply a lie.


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