Wasserman Schultz’s IT Aide Arrested by FBI Trying to Board Plane to Pakistan After $300K Wire

popcornIf you missed this from Monday, Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman is being investigated by the FBI.

The Capitol Police are involved, there is a criminal investigation, and it looks like Imran, who had extensive access to a number of congressional networks, is in some serious trouble, a problem which THIS news from today can only make more interesting.

The top information technology aide to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., was arrested Monday attempting to board a flight to Pakistan after wiring $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union to that country.

The former Democratic Party chairwoman’s IT aide attempted to leave the country hours after The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group revealed that he is the target of an FBI investigation, and the agency apprehended him at the airport.

And it gets better (for us). His lawyer is a major Clinton Crime Family ally.

The attorney for a prominent Democratic congressional employee at the center of a major criminal investigation has deep ties to the Clinton machine in Washington.

Attorney Chris Gowen is serving as the lawyer for Imran Awan, a Pakistani-American IT professional who was apprehended at Dulles Airport this week as he reportedly attempted to leave the country for Pakistan.

This makes sense since Wasserman Schultz, and the DNC fixed the primaries for Hillary. But I’ve got some other questions.

What if Imran Awan is at the center of the Obama congressional Spygate incident? Did he spy on members of the House and if so at whose instruction and for whose benefit?

How much information, if any, has Imran been sharing with his home country of Pahk-ee-stahn?

Who in Wasserman Schultz’ office gave him clearance, access, permission, direction, and can any of the direction or results of that activity be linked to ranking Democrats, Democrat Presidential Candidates, or semi-retired Democrat Presidents?

Are there any messages on those hard drives about Seth Rich?

More popcorn, please?

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