So…Trump Actually Won Nevada

nevadaTell me if this sounds familiar.

A total number of 17,086 votes were cast in [Clark County, Nevada,  District 15] for both Republican and Democrat candidates. However, when confirmation letters were sent to the voters in the District, the US postal service returned mail from 9,200 of these voters.

Vaughn found that many of the people who are listed as deceased are still on the active voter rolls. Many of the returned mail came back with 5 people living in a vacant lot with no mail receptacle.  Edward Snowden, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and dozens of movie stars were registered to vote in District 15 according to Mr. Vaughan.

And it’s not like Nevada isn’t familiar with charges of fake registered Democrat voters.

In New Hampshire, they use “same day registration” or let out-of-state residents use college dorms or local addresses to vote. Progressive activists send in absentee ballots or vote from non-existent properties. It is so prevalent and has been for so long that I called the New Hampshire for Trump after the election based on that reality and Hillary’s slim margin.

Well, I’m giving Trump Nevada too.

Vaughan tested a sample of 200 people of the 9,200 return mail and found that 185 of those had indeed voted.  According to Mr. Vaughan, there were other serious voting system irregularities he documented.

And this time the fraud mattered. Back in October Hillary foil and Green Candidate Jill Stein was prevented from even appearing on the Nevada Ballot (most likely) because of the machinations of Clinton insiders.

( The Nevada secretary of State determined that the Greens were 647 signatures short, and an Obama-appointed federal judge earlier this month threw out the party’s lawsuit to gain ballot access. The secretary of State also refused to recount the signatures.

Trump only lost Nevada by 27,000 votes. Stein would have cost Hillary thousands of votes, maybe tens of thousands. Were Stein on the Nevada Ballot her presence would have erased much of not all of the benefit of the stolen votes for Clinton, just like it did in other swing states.

I guess Trump won Nevada too.

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