Eric Estevez is a Sleazebag not fit for ANY Political Office

Eric Estevez from his campaign website

Eric Estevez is a current New Hampshire State Representative running as a Republican in the Congressional District 2 primary. Some colorful and interesting and downright sleazy things have come to light about Estevez that are important for voters to be aware of.

Apparently Estevez has been photo shopping photos that he or other people have taken making them look like official campaign photos. He had most of these photos on various social media accounts but has since taken them down: ericestevezayotte
ericestevezbelanger ericestevezoligny

This particular photo was taken by state rep Kimberly Rice:


Estevez changed it to look like this: ericestevezrrepstwitter


When called out on it, this was Estevez’s response: erikestevez

Apparently he also claimed Rice didn’t take the photo when in fact, she did. Interesting that he decides to attack another state rep as well, James Spillane (who actually does give back to the community), rather than admit he is handy with Photoshop. Seems Estevez is the one with the big mouth who should probably keep it shut more than open.

This is the same guy who decided to crash Mayor Donna Lozeau’s luncheon event earlier in the year and behave like an ignorant buffoon:

Representative Eric Estevez (Hillsborough 37) and Representative John Manning (Rockingham 8) had decided to invite themselves to the lunch that was being held at the historic Upham-Walker House across the street from the State House in Concord.  The representatives were greeted at the door by Mayor Lozeau, who according to Representative Bill Ohm (Hillsborough 36), after introducing herself, explained that this lunch was meant for the Nashua delegation, but offered the duo a sandwich.  In a phone interview with Representative Estevez, Estevez stated that he and Representative Manning left.

Others at the lunch reported that Estevez, as he passed Lozeau, uttered the “B” word.  Ohm reports that Lozeau mentioned to him the name-calling.  As Estevez, with sandwich in hand, returned to engage the mayor, the conversation became more heated, to the point where Ohm felt he had to step in.  Not wanting the tense exchange to become physical, he saw a pocket door and decided to close it between himself and the mayor and Estevez.

Estevez’s 2014 candidacy was clouded with questions about his actual residency as well.

When Estevez was running back in 2014, questions came up about his actual residency since it was unclear if he was still a Massachusetts resident:




Previous to moving back to NH, Estevez ran for office in Massachusetts where he claimed the following during an interview:

I ran for state representative in New Hampshire and it was not a real all-out campaign; it was my senior thesis project when I was in college. I was a political science major and I got together with my faculty advisor and the dean of arts and sciences at my university and because I was political science major, we needed to do a senior thesis project. So I came up with the idea to run for office and get a real hands-on experience of what politics is like. I ran for state representative; it was more of an educational endeavor.

So, he used a serious endeavor of running for political office in the Granite State as an ‘experiment?’

On top of that he also claimed how much he loves Massachusetts:

I served one term on that committee and then I moved to Massachusetts, where my heart is. My heart’s always been in Massachusetts.

And oh wait, he also loves Teddy Kennedy (some claim he has said he was ‘friends’ with him) and he doesn’t have a clear set of principles so was going to be a Democrat until:

It’s funny: I was going to be a Democrat, but I ended up being a Republican because of Richard Tisei.

That’s why I admire Ted Kennedy so much, and I really miss Teddy a lot. Ted Kennedy was fiercely partisan, yet at the end of the day, he would walk across the aisle and shake the hands of the opposition.

Who loves a guy that left a woman to DROWN to death because his political career was more important than her LIFE?

He previously ran in NH before moving back to MA (more on his shenanigans during that race below).

During his run for office in Massachusetts there were several issues that came up including exaggerating details on his resume; faking a photo op at a Baker/Tisei rally and even stealing an opponent’s sticker off of a voter’s car in Wakefield:

Eric Estevez, a candidate for state representative in the 32nd Middlesex District, defended his resume on Monday from the steps of the State House in Boston, passing out documentation of his achievements to a handful of onlookers.

The Melrose native came under fire last week after his campaign circulated a misleading photograph in which Estevez appeared to be a featured speaker at a rally for Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles D. Baker. Estevez apologized for the photograph, which was sent to media outlets by an intern without his approval, he said.

He also faced questions surrounding his status as a Northeastern University professor, his assertion he was student body president at Barry University in Miami, and an endorsement he said he received from the Massachusetts Italian American Police Officers Association.

Here’s the photo in question:

ericestevezbakertisei And about that bumper sticker:

It is my right and privilege just like all voters to support whom I choose for a candidate. Eric Estevez has no right to remove another candidate’s bumper sticker from my car or anyone’s. I’m only sorry I didn’t grab my camera and get a photo of him. Eric needs to grow up if he wants to run for office. What he did was a childish prank and shows a complete lack of integrity. I think Eric owes me an apology and he should be man enough to clean the rear window of my car and replace the David Lucas sticker.

And now let’s flashback to the time Estevez ran in New Hampshire for his ‘senior thesis’:

Apparently he was handing out business cards that had the NH State Seal on them and made it seem like he was already a state representative:



In speaking directly with Eric Estevez he explains that his business card is being taken “out of context.”  Remember Clinton asking for the definition of the word “is.?”  Well,  according to my Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, the word definition for the word “for”:  (…for is…)  used as a function word to indicate purpose, used as a function word to indicate an intended goal, used as a function word to indicate the object.   Estevez State Representative “Real Leadership for New Hampshire State Representative” is how Estevez’s card is written.  Evidently he is using these cards to identify himself as a candidate “for” the office vs. the business cards as a “voted” official of the office.

He also states that he was unaware that it was against the law to have the State Seal on his business card and that he would remove it immediately.  “I am going to change it (the seal); I did not know it was against the law.”

Someone needs to remind Estevez that he needs to win the election, before he can become or mistakenly insinuate that he is a State Representative.

Apparently, he had issues with an opponent’s signs as well:

Apparently one new candidate, Eric Estevez, sees these signs for other candidates as a threat because he was caught in the process of taking down a sign belonging to competitor Pete Goyette. “I called the Secretary of State and reported it,” said Goyette, who said that he had been called by Margaret at Stateline Market on Route 38. “She saw the whole thing. In fact, she got involved because she went out and asked him what he was doing,” said Goyette.

Because of this phone call an investigation has been opened at the Attorney General’s office. According to Goyette, Estevez had been pounding one of his [Goyette’s] signs with a hammer. When confronted, Estevez first said that he was working with Pete and helping him move his signs. “Margaret called me. I said he was absolutely not helping me,” reported Goyette.

Estevez oozes out sleaze and has since he first ran in New Hampshire. He kept it up when he ran in Massachusetts and he’s continuing now that he’s running for the 2nd Congressional District.

Estevez isn’t fit to be elected dog catcher; shouldn’t have ever been elected to the house and by no standards whatsoever deserves to be even an after thought for U.S. Congress.

New Hampshire deserves better and should DEMAND better.


h/t Miscellany Blue – We may never agree on political policy and he doesn’t write about sleazebag Democrats often but on THIS candidate we can agree.

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