Are Campaign Finance Reformers Ignorant or are They Lying to You?

The unspoken half-truth behind this idea is that while money has influence campaign finance reform does nothing to fix that. Citizen’s United made it better. Campaign finance reform makes it worse.

It removes money that would be spent in open campaigns and shifts it into the pockets of lawyers and lobbyists who spend it on influence inside the beltway or they invest it directly into the pockets and campaigns of elected politicians.

What? You believe that people who are being taxed and regulated are going to stop trying to influence how they are taxed and regulated simply because they can’t buy TV and radio ads or print mailers during an election campaign? Who told you that? Incumbent politicians? Ruling Class insiders? Big government policy mules and monied special interests promoting the charade of public funding of elections through front groups?

Campaign finance reform will more than likely make transparency worse while reinforcing and securing the oligarchy of the incumbent class who…will always be the ones deciding what the campaign finance rules are and mean, enabling them to silence any speech they desire.

What reformers want infringes on free speech and association by making it more difficult to know who, how, and when you may express a political opinion during an election cycle.

It favors the rich and well connected who can afford the experts needed to navigate deliberately byzantine campaign finance laws created by incumbent politicians to protect their hold on power.

“Overturning Citizens United” has become the siren song of the left and a bucket for their water-carriers on the right, but they do not want to change it to “get money out of politics.” They want to change it hide the influence of money from every day voters and to as effectively as possible silence everyone else so that the right people remain in power.

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