Hassan’s Budget Con-promise.

NH Democrats fleece taxpayers againGovernor Hassan opposed a reduction in New Hampshire business taxes. No tax cuts for those big out-of-state companies, she said. That’s not fair. I won’t sign that budget. She did not.

Thursday she, and a gaggle of Democrats, went public with an alternative. In exchange for the proposed reduction in business taxes from the legislature’s budget Hassan and Democrats want to tax the crap out of New Hampshire’s “most vulnerable.”

Regressive taxes would be hiked and “tax loopholes” that allow many proprietorship and LLC’s to keep more of what they earn would be closed.

So now she is advocating–in her own words–tax cuts for big out of state businesses…on the backs of Democrat tax increases on everyone else.  The Duchess of Exeter wants to feed her bloated, inefficient, planners off the backs of the little people. We should expect nothing less from the Government First party.

Sounds like a con-promise budget, if you ask me.

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