Governor Hassan continues to treat women like stupid cows

After the U.S. Senate voted down a bill that would attempt to reverse the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling, Governor Hassan thought she’d add her 2 cents in a ridiculous facebook post:

“Ensuring that women and their families can make their own health care and family planning decisions is critical to their economic well-being and the economy of our entire state and nation. I’m disappointed that the U.S. Senate did not move forward with this important legislation; I will continue to work on state-level solutions in order to ensure that women have comprehensive health insurance coverage, protect women’s access to affordable critical health services and protect their religious freedom.”

Once again it is clear she never bothered to read the Hobby Lobby case or the SCOTUS ruling.  Once again she continues to treat women like stupid cows who cannot purchase their own birth control.  Birth Control is not a critical health service.  Even if a woman needs to use Plan B because she had unprotected sex, she can easily buy it over the counter at most pharmacies across New Hampshire.   Remember, having sex and using birth control are both choices, as well as buying Plan B.

To add insult to injury she claims that she wants to protect women’s ‘religious freedom’.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  The entire Hobby Lobby case was about Religious Freedom!!!!!   Hassan’s beloved Obama Administration was infringing upon the Religious Freedoms of Hobby Lobby owners who were NOT imposing their religious beliefs on anyone.  Clearly she has not bothered to even read the 1st Amendment in the Bill of Rights (pretty obvious at that since she also signed the ‘Buffer Zone bill’ into law which the SCOTUS also shot down in Massachusetts).

It seems Hassan really does want to a Nanny Governor.   Obviously she believes women don’t think for ourselves nor can we make contraception decisions on our own without Big Daddy Government interfering.

How any self-respecting woman can support Hassan is beyond me.  Are Democrat women really that incredibly mis-informed, ignorant and helpless?  Are left wing women really unable to make their own decisions about contraception without the aid of the government?  Based on Hassan’s response,  it seems this is true.   Sad that women who supposedly call themselves feminists have sunk so low in life that they have indeed become quite the opposite.  Nothing but little girls in adult bodies who need someone else to take care of them because they are simply stupid cows who can’t take care of themselves.

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