Miss California - the LGBT PC-Thought Police want their pound of flesh - Granite Grok

Miss California – the LGBT PC-Thought Police want their pound of flesh

Dean Barker over at Blue Hampshire has been running a series labeled "Marriage Equality", and the intimates that if one doesn’t agree with him, you’re a bigoted homophobe and not just a person that holds an opposing opinion. In fact, after the NH Senate Judicial Committee opposed the Gay Marriage bill, he shows the typical "Progressive" sense of tolerance of other opinions that are at right angles to theirs, he writes:

It didn’t take long for out-of-state marriage equality haters… 

Get that?  We may be in-state, but those that disagree are HATERS.  Not just folks that believe that what is being pitched is not for us, or is wrong, or bad.  Not just that our opinion is different, but that we are HATERS because we disagree.

After all, if someone is bad enough, rotten enough, despicable enough, to hate them, there has to be a really good reason TO hate them, right?  And if someone is sick enough to be hated, then no one should listen to them are worthy and that their opinions should be discarded and thrown away.  The hated ones are of no value and neither are their words, so ignore them!

And that is EXACTLY what they want you to believe.  Their elitism, their sense that they know better what’s better for us than we do, knows no boundary in believing that if you are not with them, you are to be hated.  So much for free speech and freedom of thought an opinion.  I may not like their opinion, but I certainly don’t hate them for it (they are just simply misguided and need help).

Seems to be the standard line lately from the Far Left – if you do not agree with me, you are just an uncaring hunk of flesh willing to toss your own mother over the side of a high bridge (or, listen to polka music for three days straight).

Poor Dean and his crew are mad at their Democrat Senators – do they show their anger at Obama (H/T: Brutally Honest) for saying he opposes Gay Marriage at Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, on the night of August 16, 2008.

Rev. Warren: "Define marriage."

Sen. Obama: "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. You know, God’s in the mix."

 — Chicago Sun-Times blog

Those Democrat Senators are also in line with Dean’s home state of California where Prop 8 (establishing Gay Marriage), was defeated 52% to 48%. 

My main point is that it seems that the Left has shifted gears: they are no longer content to oppose those of an opposite mind set.  No, they are out to demonize and destroy them publicly.  With Prop 8, the LGBT supporters have targeted businesses, jobs, and people that disagree with the and have gotten people fired, businesses ruined, and families threatened for the simple act of defending traditional marriage.  Nice, eh?

The latest public version of this was Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who attends

a Christian college.  She has been excoriated nationwide in the press and by her peers and in the "Progressive" blogosphere.  Her crime?  She defended traditional marriage – she had an opinion.  Problem was, the politically charged and correct question was from a gay blogger who opposed Prop 8, Perez Hilton, on the Miss USA judging panel:

PEREZ: Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?

CARRIE: I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anyone out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman.

and he went to town on her afterwards in calling her the B-word, apologizing, and then recanting and all but calling her the C-word.  Yet, she is the one that has been flayed "for bringing politics into the pageant!  Even her sponsors thought it was wrong:

Keith Lewis, who runs the Miss California competition quickly denounced Miss Prejean’s heresy, lest any of the Almighty’s wrath fall on him for being a poor steward of the fragile young ladies in his care:

As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman.  I believe all religions should be able to ordain what unions they see fit. I do not believe our government should be able to discriminate against anyone and religious beliefs have no politics in the Miss California family.

Right!  Once again, we see the politically correct thought process – denigrate religion, blame beliefs for being politicially INCORRECT, and totally dismiss absolute morality.  Think correctly or get lambasted!  Don’t think like us?  You are a knuckle dragging cretin who deserves to be kicked to the curb!

Bottom line? Now, for a BEAUTY CONTEST, a primary bar to winning is if you agree with the LGBT lobby, that you are Politically Correct (even if you agree with a majority of the citizens from the State you represent!).  Even her co-contestants believe that to compete and win, political correctness is a mandatory item:

The Miss USA contestants from the four states that allow same-sex marriage say Miss California should have been more politically correct and socially aware when she was asked for her thoughts on the issue during the nationally televised pageant on Sunday.

…Miss Massachusetts Alison Cronin told FOXNews.com she was "shocked" when Carrie Prejean, 21, told Miss USA judge and celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton that she believes marriage should be "between a man and a woman.".

…Miss Connecticut Monica Mary Pietzrak, called Prejean a "wonderful girl" but said she should have been more conscious of the national audience.  "In general, when you’re answering a question like that, you have to be politically correct about it," Pietzrak told FOXNews.com.

…Miss Iowa Chelsea Lynn Gauger, 20, …Gauger added. "I don’t think people are thinking what it would be like to be up there like she was. It’s sad that people can’t just keep their feelings to themselves.""

…"Had she gone the other way with the question, she might have won," Miss Massachusetts said. "I’m surprised that she would say it, knowing the demographic she was speaking to."

The demographic?  In other words, realize that she was answering a specific question from a gay blogger and lie about what she really thought?  Just to win a contest?  So what does that say to the character of these contestants – lie to win?

This segment from Bill O’Reilly perfectly encapsulates this thinking.  Like O’Reilly or not, listen to the person who is upset with Miss Prejean – see how hard it is for him to not give the impression the utter disdain for ANYONE that disagrees with his homophilic stance:

"Progressive" tolerance?  Study after study has shown that the Lefty side of the blogosphere is much more "hateful" than the right. Oh, we all come up with the cutsie names ("Bathroom Bud" and "Bush League Bradley" to keep it current and germaine to NH) but the Left often goes way beyond that.

No, there IS no civil tolerance there – after all, I am a hater….

Sad…..sigh…..freedom of speech?
