Joe Biden Archives - Page 28 of 92 - Granite Grok

Joe Biden

Sleepy Joe Biden sitting

Biden Diplomacy Falls Short in Middle East

Joe Biden has always claimed that he was the best option for President because of his years of experience in the Senate. His claim, like most of his Presidency to date, was bogus. Biden continues to fall flat on the global stage, and his most recent failure is with Saudi Arabia.

I did that sticcker screen grab

Biden Bangs the War Drums on Indians

Joe Biden is the President that was to unify all Americans. It did not matter the color of your skin or the balance of your 401k, Joe wanted to be the man in your corner. Well, Joe is a flat-out fraud.

I did that sticcker screen grab

He Is Not Just Bad, He Is Destroying Us

It is not enough to point out how bad a President we have in Joe Biden, for that does not even crack the surface. In less than two years, Joe Biden and his feckless Administration have done more harm to America and her people than anyone could imagine.

Gorcery store empty shelves original Photo by Richard Burlton on Unsplash

America Is a Lot More like Venezuela than You Thought

In true Marxist fashion, the People’s Republic of Venezuela (dba: Venezuela) has a food security problem. The connected political elite are eating like kings while the poor (everyone else) starve. The “cure” for this ailment may sound familiar.


The Border is Not the Crisis. FOX Reporting Is

It is getting much too difficult to hold back the anger and continue to write with a modicum of respect for the President and his Administration. For a President, a lifetime politician, to declare he would have the most transparent Administration in our history is a joke. Let me say that again.

child spoon feeding sourpuss Photo by Михаил Казаченко Pexels

“Watch Me”

Mr. President, do you have the energy or health to be President? “Watch Me.” That was the President’s answer. That flip answer sounds like an answer that came off the pages of KJP’s notebook. Look at my job performance, look at my schedule, and try to keep up with me.