Are Democrats Really the Real Enemy? Really? - Granite Grok

Are Democrats Really the Real Enemy? Really?

Republicna UNity Breakfasnt 9/14/2022

For many years, America has moved down a path of disrespecting the Constitution. It goes on, without regard to whether the White House is red or blue. When did you last hear of a Republican president (Bush or Trump) yell, “We will not disturb the balance of power”?

When did you last see a Republican Congresswoman (unless it was the ghost of Mary Maxwell) slamming her shoe on the desk, saying, “No way can a president make war until we legislators have said ‘Do it, Boy!’ “?

ALL persons — of all Parties — who think they can run the US government “my way” (I’m referring to Frank Sinatra’s way) are guilty of mortal sin. We have to run the country the constitutional way. Not to do so is suicide. Period.

I attended the Republican Victory party this morning at Grappone Conference Centre in Concord. It was simply beautiful. Everyone was happy, the brekkie food was great. The successful candidates were gracious to the, ahem, failed candidates. And as usual, the “pledge of alleej” made me cry. (Believe me, when you have lived out of country for 30-plus years, as I have, there’s a lot of emotion just in the phrase “the United States of America.”)

Each of the five speakers, including one from the RNC, did a big “Rah-rah, get the Dems.” That’s all good fun for the day after the Primary, of course, but NH is a state with a majority of Dems, and it would not be possible for us Repubs to win — how’s my math doing? — unless we hug and kiss a number of Dems. If I’ve calculated that incorrectly, do let me know.

The title of my latest book (free download below) is “Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover.” Takeover? What takeover? This land is being taken over NOT by Dems (who don’t seem to have the neuronal capacity for it anyway), but by takeover artists. I call them globalists, hoping to emphasize that they are persons whose alleej is not to the Flag of any country. They want all national sovereignty to go bye-bye.

Yes, that’s how demented and vicious they are. And betcha five dollars, it is they who have a big stake in stirring up the blue-red battles. Been doing it for centuries. Divide and rule. Distract and rule. Humans are such easy pickins.

Sign Carriers of the World, Unite!

So now let me tell you about Primary Day, September 13, 2022. Around 10 am it started raining. (Ask me my theory about weather control, K?) The last time I had voted was in November 2020 — famous day — in Concord. Nice weather, cold, and the hopefuls, or family and friends of the hopefuls, stood outside the venue holding big signs.

I’m sure, from memory, that the reds and blues (pardon me) were interspersed on the sidewalk. I recall quizzing a man who was promoting a candidate for the sheriff job (Merrimack County). By the way, it seems to me that sheriffs should be elected non-partisanly. I mean uni-sexly. You know what I mean. Anyway, this sign carrier talked me into voting for his Dem pal because the pal was a Marine. I guess I did a Marine-melt and voted out-of-Party. That was 2020.

This week, as a candidate myself (US House of Reps, CD1), I lugged my lovely sign to three polling places, hoping to scrape up a few last-minute votes. One venue had no campaigner there (a small population and off-hour). Another had about eight sign-carriers, and they were MIXED, Republican and Democrat.

A cop oversaw the activity and insisted, gently, that the hopefuls maintain the permitted distance away from the door. Perhaps because it was raining, there was an allocated porch for them to sand on. But thereby, folks arriving to vote couldn’t take up any kind of private chat with a sign carrier on the crowded porch.

Yours Truly moved away and “engaged” arriving voters on the sidewalk. The cop did not discipline me — how could he? — a public street has First Amendment written all over it.

Around 1 pm, I went to the third venue. I was shocked to see the hopefuls in cages. Do you disbelieve me? I later reported to Secretary of State’ office about this horrific situation. He (Mr. David Scanlan) was not in his office. He was properly out checking on venues that had problems with ballots, but his secretary immediately knew what I meant by “cages.”

Let me tell you that I don’t much mind that the sign carriers were asked to stay behind barriers (that’s what I mean by cages) — as this particular venue had a crowded, complicated parking lot. Had we hopefuls been milling about, there could have been a car accident. But what appalled me was that the Dems and Repubs were put in SEPARATE cages!


As far as I know, I am the only loony-bird who objected to that. (Similarly, at the Victor Party today, I was wondering if I’m the lone loony bird.) Believe me, the “inmates” of the two cages were hostile to one another. I was appalled. It was like being in the Roman colosseum, waiting for the lions to be let in. (Exaggeration; I’m upset.)

The hostility will be blamed on the Dems, natch. I do acknowledge that there is some election nastiness happening. I felt the brunt of it, twice — not physically, and yes it was Dem-initiated.

Wait, it has just come to mind that one of the en-caged Republicans at Venue #3 told me that her assistant went over to Chris Pappas to ask a question (he is an incumbent, so should answer questions), but his staff member shoved the woman aside. Physically shoved her.

A wonder the incident wasn’t shown on CNN as proof that the Repubs are terrorists or something.

All in all, I felt bad as an American that the members of the two big Parties do not see themselves as Americans working for the same cause.

But more (“much more than this…”) I had a fit that the Takeover Artists must be laughing in their beer or laughing all the way to the bank, whichever. Here they see us concentrating on a local feud while they take our country away and demolish the Constitution like there was no tomorrow.

Which there isn’t unless we start to concentrate on reality.

Oh, and here’s that free book download: “Kill the Takeover
