The Dems Dictatorial Political and Societal Leviathan - Granite Grok

The Dems Dictatorial Political and Societal Leviathan

Unhinged Democrats

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently pointed out that, according to Woodrow Wilson, “popular sovereignty” embarrassed the Nation because it interfered with “executive expertness.” From Wilson’s distorted view, the modern Democrat Party emerged as a dictatorial political and societal Leviathan.

The Obama-Biden monstrosity used these so-called experts to transform the most historically prosperous society and civilization into a racist, perverted, communist nightmare. So-called experts under these numbskulls have transformed “common sense” into “nonsense.” Our society is experiencing a perversion of sanity to destroy Western Civilization. These demonic experts disdain the fundamental basis of Western Civilization, the family unit, and work tirelessly to destroy the fabric that holds the Nation and, more importantly, our humanity together. The three women Ivy League presidents’ failure to condemn Antisemitism is a perfect example.

These pseudo-experts expect us to believe the entire span of human history, since Adam bit into Eve’s apple, was wrong in acknowledging there are two sexes: male and female. These modern-day alchemists propound a world populated with 72 genders, including transgenderism. The only possible purpose of this malarkey is: “If we can get the hoi-poi to believe in 72 genders and instruct our minor children that, despite their birth sex, they should deny their God-given gender, people will do whatever these perverted experts say.”

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Another principle of Obama-Biden dystopia is intersectionality: a racist and dogmatic diatribe (theory) designed and developed to divide and destroy American society and Western Civilization with jealousy, envy, and hatred based on turning races and nationalities against each other, especially against white people. Love of God and country is being replaced with hate and violent protests.

Finally, these “nonsense experts” tell us it is the gun’s fault when there is a mass shooting by a known criminal whose mental illness is well-known to local authorities. What these perverted experts want is to take away guns so they can control everyone without risk. Remember, 12 million people were murdered in Hitler’s gas chambers!

Putting Donald Trump back in the White House cannot happen soon enough!

