Tim Baxter Calls Out Opponent Karoline Leavitt for Pledging Support for Kevin McCarthy - Granite Grok

Tim Baxter Calls Out Opponent Karoline Leavitt for Pledging Support for Kevin McCarthy

GIP Debate Leavitt Baxter

Tim Baxter calls out opponent Karoline Leavitt for pledging support for Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the house and lying about it to the voters of New Hampshire.

New Hampshire (August 15, 2022) – The Government Integrity Project hosted a candidate forum in New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district on Saturday, where state representative Tim Baxter called out his opponent Karoline Leavitt after she refused to answer who she would vote for as the next Speaker of the House.

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In a tweet that has since been deleted, congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt pledged to join House Republicans in electing “Speaker McCarthy.”


Leavitt Support for McCarthy Tweet


Karoline Leavitt also joined Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks, where she said she would vote for Kevin McCarthy and that all Republicans should “join together on this front.

Tim Baxter, who is the only CD1 candidate to go on record pledging to vote ‘NO’ for Kevin McCarthy, releases the following statement after calling Karoline Leavitt out for lying during the Government Integrity Project’s candidate forum:

“Holding Kevin McCarthy’s water does not make you a conservative fighter. My opponent Karoline Leavitt has pledged both on camera and in writing to vote for McCarthy as the next Speaker of the House. This weekend, she had the opportunity to defend her position and, instead, completely dodged the question. 

After two years of Chris Pappas’ representation, the people of New Hampshire are tired of the corruption and they are tired of being lied to by politicians who swear they will protect us once elected. 

The first vote Republicans will make once we retake the House is for the next Speaker of the House. The next Speaker should be somebody who has defended our constitutional rights and has been at the forefront of protecting our conservative values. That’s why I pledged to vote ‘NO’ on Kevin McCarthy.”

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