Cannon Mountain Preparing For Additional Taxpayer Money Grab - Granite Grok

Cannon Mountain Preparing For Additional Taxpayer Money Grab

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Last year, “Republicans” in Concord did a victory lap when they budgeted $18 million in state general fund capital for the maintenance of the Cannon Mountain Tramway. Was that enough?  Nope!

They now want $33 million for a redundant, low-capacity lift that only runs a few days a week and for only a couple of months per ski season.  A lift that was closed for the better part of two years during the Covid scare.

But wait, there’s more!

The state’s new general manager announced an “urgent need for substantial capital” beyond the tramway replacement.

Where does this money come from? Take a look in the mirror. Despite endless claims that Cannon is a “self-funded, self-managed, state-owned success story,” it has required millions in subsidies from other state parks and the general fund. Even with all of these millions of dollars in subsidies, Cannon has not been able to maintain its existing infrastructure.

The swells in Franconia will execute their tried and true strategy to take more of our money. Float a trial balloon in the friendly press, get someone in Concord to throw it into a bill, and then fill a hearing room with trust fund skiers crying about how we need to protect this state treasure. Rinse and repeat.

Taxpayers are already facing unprecedented pressure in New Hampshire.  Now is not the time to be spending tens of millions of dollars to upgrade the life of leisure for the beautiful people in Franconia.

Tell your legislators that you don’t want any more money going to Cannon Mountain.
