Center Harbor and New Hampton Rep. Tom Ploszaj Deserves Your Vote - Granite Grok

Center Harbor and New Hampton Rep. Tom Ploszaj Deserves Your Vote

Tom Ploszaj

Dear reader/voter – I’m reaching out to you to clear the air. Your state rep for Center Harbor and New Hampton, Tom Ploszaj, needs and, in my opinion, deserves your vote. Tom has done nothing but try to do what is right.

We want to thank Holly Willoughby for this op-ed – send yours to

I want you to know that as someone who has stood with both Tom and Bob Giuda in front of the new Hampton park and ride waving flags and signs that Tom Ploszaj is one of the most genuine people I have ever met in my lifetime. I know he has stood with some of you while you have unloaded your trash at the town dump and asked your opinions on what you feel needs to be done. What does your gut tell you? Mine tells me He wants nothing more than to speak for the people.

If you check Toms’s website at, you will find that he is very interested in your opinions. I have counted, he has asked for the thoughts of his constituents over 40 times during these last two years of office. You will also find that Tom keeps you updated on the legislature and how he is voting for you.

He wants to represent you and not one party.

If you have heard some of the rumors recently, I can assure you that they are not true. I am also sure that if Bob Giuda wasn’t under the weather that he would come out in support of Tom Ploszaj, who is a good constitutional representative who wants what’s right.

I want to convey the fact that the flack coming from the Gunstock fiasco is nothing more than his opponents trying to take advantage of an unfortunate situation and label Tom in a certain way.

I implore you that if you don’t believe me, please do your own research or reach out directly to Tom and ask him yourself. I know he will be happy to talk to you.


