Progressive Governing 101: If You Make Life Miserable People Will Volunteer to Kill Themselves - Granite Grok

Progressive Governing 101: If You Make Life Miserable People Will Volunteer to Kill Themselves

A government that thinks there are too many of us, that we are some sort of burden, and encourages medically assisted suicide will always make its citizens suicidal and then pretend it is a kindness to kill them.

That is not speculation or conspiracy theory; it is a fact. Over the past several years, nation-states have gone to great lengths to ensure mental health distress, chronic drug abuse, and illness. At the same time, the more progressive players have either instituted medically assisted suicide or made it easier for you to “qualify.”

Depending on how far gone, the State will declare its political opponents (agitators who brought them to power and agitators who oppose their power) mentally unfit, make them disappear in jails or in mental institutions where they will either kill themselves (suicide), or ask to die (assisted suicide).

We’ve shared plenty of slippery slope examples already but we’ve got two more.

Assisted suicides in California jump 63% in just one year.

The latest report by the state includes the data for 2022 assisted suicides. It shows that “853 individuals died following their ingestion of the prescribed aid- in-dying drug(s), which includes 50 individuals who received prescriptions prior to 2022.”

In 2021, 522 people died after taking drugs prescribed under the law. This means there was a 63 percent increase between 2021 and 2022.

Assisted suicide deaths in Quebec now the highest in the world.

Euthanasia in Quebec has reached seven percent of deaths, the highest in the world. Nonetheless, the head of the province’s Commission on End-of-Life Care, Dr. Michel Bureau, found it necessary to email a veiled rebuke to MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) doctors in Quebec.

According to Radio Canada, he said that there are too many euthanasia deaths administered at the limit of legal conditions and that there have been a number of MAiD deaths that have not complied with all the conditions of the legislation. He had to remind doctors that old age is not a serious and incurable condition – a criterion for a legal MAiD death.


But old age, like poverty, represents a significant burden on resources from which there is no return. People who are not working or unable to work tie up or drain resources. In a socialized healthcare system, I can guarantee you that “counselors” are hinting at or suggesting – even to people who are otherwise healthy – that medically assisted suicide is an option to consider.

If you think that won’t result in permission creep, then you need to brush up on progressivism. The old, poor, infirm, or chronically ill get in the way of progress. The State will find a “compassionate” way to execute them, and normalizing medically assisted suicide is the key to solving all your inconvenient political problems.

