Beware: COVID-19 is Lurking Behind the Commies Hiding in Your Bushes (and Your Sewage)

Steve MacDonald

The machine is working overtime to get the weak-minded wound up about the new strains of COVID when the genuine concern is recent mutations of the COVID narrative. Things are getting McCarthyesqe out there; COVID could lurk almost anywhere, waiting to take advantage of you, vaccinated or not.


I can think of many things in wastewater over whose presence I’ve no concern, including COVID. But I confess to being a bit skeptical about the finding. It is too general. I’m also suspicious about the ability of the virus to survive in the medium enough to be detectable. Oh, and the CDC is a politicized cabal of lying little bitches.

There’s that.


Wastewater Detection: A U.S. wastewater sample that was collected as part of routine monitoring in the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) has preliminarily indicated the presence of the BA.2.86 variant. Scientists are investigating this sample and will continue to closely monitor wastewater for further or more widespread evidence of BA.2.86. NWSS is one of multiple monitoring systems CDC uses to detect variants within the United States, and is meant to be used with other COVID-19 public health data to better understand COVID-19’s spread. Learn more about wastewater monitoring in the United States.


Preliminary. Scientists are investigating.


And the response to the identification of BA.2.86 in wastewater? Get vaccinated. I stubbed my toe – get vaccinated. Look, it’s a day that ends in ‘Y’. Get vaccinated.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had plenty of “vaccinations,” just none for which I have no use, like the mRNA immunity killing COVID juice, and not just because of the risk of myocarditis, especially if you are older. Who wouldn’t want heart complications, right? I react poorly to flu vaccines, as in – it’s the only time I ever get the flu. Given that all the “guidance” is concerned with preventing that, my best course of action is to avoid the so-called cure.

I still got COVID. It was a three-day affair followed by a sudden breakup (I started seeing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine on the side). COVID still wanted me, but I was done with the relationship, and we’ve not seen each other since, despite her changing her name several times to try and fool me (same old whose, new dress, if you know what I mean).

My “friends” at the FDA, the CDC, DHHS, DNC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC still think I need to consider getting jabbed, but that’s a hard no. Not because I’m against vaccines, but because I promised early on to wait for the human test trials to be completed (the science), and those didn’t go well. Billions of test subjects and all sorts of things went sideways. I have side effects from my statin, but we have an understanding. It would be insensitive of me to introduce exponential complications from an injection that has proven more effective at helping you get COVID than not.

And I’m not a doctor, and this isn’t medical advice, but don’t swim in wastewater, especially when it is doing business as science from the CDC or news from the media.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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