THEY Are The Patriarchy and Out To Erase Women. - Granite Grok

THEY Are The Patriarchy and Out To Erase Women.

Even as all of the Left’s identity politics groups declaim “The Patriarchy” (er, simply put: “hate all men because….well, because we say so and we don’t have really any better answers”), this from the Transgender flag wavers:

Clown World: Transgender Cyclist Claims Biological Men Are ‘Underrepresented’ in Women’s Sports

Er, aren’t they supposed to be NON-EXISTENT? With that one line, Austin Killips gives away the Left’s entire game – women mean and are less than women.  They want to put them back into the kitchen, pregnant, and barefoot (something they have always attributed to us) in a matter of speaking. With this, it’s clear that they want to take something that is of VALUE to women and doing so like an adult taking away a lollipop from a child. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

Austin Killips, a biological male cyclist who competes with biological women, found solace in the cycling community during the USA Cycling Pro Road championships in Knoxville, Tennessee. Having faced backlash after becoming the first transgender woman to win a UCI 2.2-registered stage racing event, he expressed his love for the sport and the support he received from fellow cyclists.

 “It was nice to have this experience with others that sort of refuted my anxieties and reminded me that this is a really great and wonderful sport filled with people that I love dearly,” Killips said during an interview with Knox News on Saturday.

In the conversation, Killips also stated his belief that there were not enough biological men competing in women’s sports and expressed fear that backlash against this trend would prevent more men from entering these events:

It’s certainly concerning that the nature of the discourse, the amount of energy that has gone into building this narrative would lead you to believe that there’s this massive number of trans athletes participating in sports and winning all the time, when the reality is that we’re statistically underrepresented. By the number, some of us do well, a lot of us do just fine, are just normal competitors. If the rules say trans people can play, then it doesn’t mean that we can’t win.

Well, dude, get the rest of your Beta male dudes to join in, and you can wipe them off the podiums nice and easy. Keep doing that, and all the other “unable to perform” (athletically – get your thoughts out of the gutter!) will join you.  But here’s the money line by author Jeff Charles – and it is the basis for many of us for our intensive pushback on this 2+2=5 delusion:

The issue is that they truly expect to gaslight, cajole, coerce, or shame the rest of us into co-signing that nonsense. Those around him are participating in a mass illusion to make certain folks feel good and virtuous.

In other words, people like Killips want us to all believe something that can never be true – and in his case, taking advantage of weaker females. They have no regard for what is right or wrong.

Sadly, the idea, the morality, and the word “chivalry” has been shoved out of our vernacular by…Feminists who consider it sexist.  Well, dears, if you hadn’t knee-jerked it out of the culture, perhaps you wouldn’t be having this problem.

That is, what seems to be a shrinking percentage, as it seems many Feminists are perfectly fine with biological men taking over your spots and shoving you off your own stages.

Outstanding, ladies!  And no, Austin Killips, I don’t mean you. Unlike many on the Left that tries to use words to bully people – go ahead, call me a bigot and a transphobe. After all, if you still have a prostate, you can not be a woman.

Oh, and this:

‘It is incredibly painful to be Othered‘ – Austin Killips on division, debate, and building dialogue

And what you are doing ISN’T Othering biological women in their own sport. Why is it that transgenders are so narcissistic that they only make themselves the victims and do not care a whit about victimizing biological women?

