Blogline of the Day - And I’ll Add To This That The Uniparty, Once Again, Can’t Do Their Basic Job of “Regular Order” - Granite Grok

Blogline of the Day – And I’ll Add To This That The Uniparty, Once Again, Can’t Do Their Basic Job of “Regular Order”

SLEEP TIGHT TONIGHT, FOLKS, YOUR CONGRESS IS ON THE JOB: Illegal immigrants are flooding across the border, China is kicking our butt around the world, the government faces a $31 trillion debt and today Congress is working getting rid of gendered pronouns from the U.S. Code.

“Regular Order” is passing the appropriation/spending bills on a department by department basis – they just announced a $1.7 TRILLION Omnibus spending bill just CHOCK FULL of earmarks to cover the entire fiscal year. This one bill because they couldn’t get their jobs right and once again we heard them yammering that we just CAN’T let the Federal Government shutdown.

My response is “let it – we’ve got 50 more governments right behind it and most of them would get it mostly right. You Federal chuckleheads don’t deserve your seats if you can’t do your job.  Too much jawboning, back room deals, and mugging for the press and the “cool” cocktail parties.

But the Blogline also points out that these nitwits have a problem with Priorities.  And for that, they all should be fired, both Republicans and Democrats.

(HT: Instapundit)
