Wake Up and Laugh: Maureen Langan - Don't Make Me Hate You. - Granite Grok

Wake Up and Laugh: Maureen Langan – Don’t Make Me Hate You.

Maureen Langan - Dont make me hate you

So, confession. I watched the entire thing, and it made me laugh. Maureen Langan – never heard of her until I stumbled over this – is a funny lady. And as is tradition, when I find something that makes me laugh, I share it with you.

She does a great job of setting up her running jokes and works them but not to death. And did I mention that she made me laugh? The Kardashians, Martha Stewart, Cougars, helping people (that’s what she does), Anna Nicole Smith, Stephen Hawking, and a bunch more like how people made her hate them and even menopause.

If you have time, watch it all; if you don’t have time, the first five minutes should do the trick but it gets better.


