Do Us a Favor, Please? - Granite Grok

Do Us a Favor, Please?

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We’ve got some new ads in the sidebar (you’ll have to scroll down on the mobile version). Books by authors who are also readers or contributors to GraniteGrok. We’d appreciate it if you clicked the ad and checked out their offering. Ian Underwood has a book out on the 14th Amendment.

We’ve also got an ad for a book by David Scott, who is a fan and reads our stuff.

No obligation to buy, of course. That’s your call, but if you see ads we place in the sidebar (those are all there by our command), please check them out.

And then one maintenance, housekeeping matter. We’ve had readers who get our Newsletter tell us they’ve been unsubscribed and why we did we do that. Not us. We’d never.

We can add you back if this happens, but as a heads up, if you forward that Newsletter to other email recipients, they can unsubscribe you, thinking they are “unsubscribing” themselves.

We appreciate you sharing, but we recommend that after you have added your recipients, you scroll to the bottom and remove the Unsubscribe and the Manage your subscription links.




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Just highlight them with your mouse and hit the backspace key.



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Note that those links should not be active when you forward them, but I’ve received these back from readers, and I can click on them. Please remove them before you share, and no one can unsubscribe you from our Newsletter.

If someone does, by the way, you’ll get an email saying you were unsubscribed that looks something like this.


Unsubscribe 3

Getting unsubscribed is not common, but if you do share the email – and thank you – just take the precaution to protect your subscription.



