The Biden Administration Is about to Add a $6/Gallon Tax When You Fill Up Your Car - Granite Grok

The Biden Administration Is about to Add a $6/Gallon Tax When You Fill Up Your Car

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The Biden Administration is about to add a $6/Gallon tax when you fill up your car. Arbitrarily, by regulators – those faceless, unaccountable, unelected, and unassailable bureaucrats who are part of the Deep State that know better how you are to run your lives than you do.

And in this case, raising the cost of your next fill-up.  If you now pay $3.70/gallon at the pump, try $9.70 if they get their way. So if you have a 15-gallon fill-up, your cost will go from $55.50 to  $145.50:

EPA floats sharply increased social cost of carbon

EPA has proposed a new estimate for the social cost of carbon emissions, nearly quadrupling an interim figure that has already drawn legal challenges from a host of Republican-led states.

The metric puts a price tag on the damages created by each metric ton of greenhouse gas emissions. Agencies can then use it as part of their analyses of the costs and benefits of more stringent climate regulation on sources ranging from power plants and automobiles to the oil and gas sector.

The Biden administration has been using the Interagency Working Group’s interim value of $51 per metric ton of CO2. But earlier this month, EPA quietly proposed increasing that number to $190.

And that $51/ton was an almost instant overloading by the Biden Eco-Socialists from Trump’s Social Cost of Carbon that had been set at $1/ton. Nice to see that the price of our energy is at the whim of these ideologues.  Did they learn nothing from the 70s when OPEC quickly raised the cost of oil by over 100%? I remember that as I got my license just after the oil boycott started – from 25 cents/gallon to over 75 cents. My part-time high school job paid $2/hour. Do the figuring of my anxiety level.

No legislation is required. In fact, your elected representative is not even wanted. So much for “saving our Democracy,” as Dems have kept yammering at us this past election cycle. For Progressives, however, this IS their end game – for us to be ruled by a government of expert Administrators who, we keep being told, are totally non-partisan and altogether altruistic, with only the best wanted for the rest of us.

This shows that they believe they control the basic laws of Supply and Demand – or can dismiss them at their pleasure. Did they not learn anything from the collapse of the Communist top-down command systems? Have they even heard of the Great Mind Fallacy?

Lord, have mercy upon us, for they believe they are better than You are.

Hey, I have this unused bridge over here – sell it to you cheap if you have any money left over…


(H/T: VodkaPundit)
