Don Bolduc and Nikki Haley in Salem - Granite Grok

Don Bolduc and Nikki Haley in Salem

Bolduc + Haley Nov 6 2022

On the eve of this crucial election, and with Don Bolduc showing a good chance of victory in the polls, Ambassador Nikki Haley once more came to the Granite State to make a difference to the outcome. She gave a great speech underlining why we need Don in the US Senate, right now.

First, introductions, with the pledge, exhortation to get out the vote from Steve Stepanek, and introduction of Nikki Haley by NH State Senator Sharon Carson:


Next, Ambassador Nikki Haley tells why Don, right now, for US Senate. She is one heck of a cheerleader for his victory:


Don gives a great stump speech – he’s become really good at these (refresh if you don’t see it at first):


Finally, the quick interview taken at the end of the event (Also posted separately this morning):


Thankyou for watching GrokTV, and please vote like our republic depends on you (it does).
