Quick Thought: Certain People Have Their Outrage Out of Priorities - Simply Daft - Granite Grok

Quick Thought: Certain People Have Their Outrage Out of Priorities – Simply Daft

Riot to abort cry over pronouns

And of COURSE, it is the Population of the Perpetual Dismalness.  It isn’t that their priorities are wrong, it’s also their outrage at the rest of us that do not share that outrage.  They KNOW it is outrageous that we don’t share their outraged value set.

Which makes it absolutely hilarious when we laugh at them which pushes their “outrage volume” to 13 because in no way can they really defend that outrage on anything but an emotional response.

What isn’t outrageous should be our response in pushing back their attempts to force their morality on us.

I will not become part of the Borg.
