Data Point - US Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a 40 Year Low...and Falling FAST! - Granite Grok

Data Point – US Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a 40 Year Low…and Falling FAST!

Is this an indication of a “forcer event” for Biden to look us in the eye and announce that there’s no more oil for America?  And that he then closes down, under some Green New Deal pretext all oil production and refining?  Sure, releasing that much oil has, in part, reduced the price at the pump (e.g., pandering for votes to make people forget the $5/gallon prices that aren’t all THAT so long ago) but is there ANOTHER purpose to do so?

What happens if the SHTF and we lose because we have no petroleum for the military??

US Strategis Petroleum Reserve 09-2022

And then Secretaries Petey Buttigieg and Jennifer Granholm will then get on their EV hobby horses and say “BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR!!!” showing just how much they despise the rest of us.

And remember, Biden has sold 6 million of our oil to our geopolitical enemy – China.

(H/T: Powerline)
