The Lefts Big Lie and Another Californian Weighs in On the Connecticut Resident Running for a NH House Seat - Granite Grok

The Lefts Big Lie and Another Californian Weighs in On the Connecticut Resident Running for a NH House Seat

Sophia Bokaie San Rafael California dfeatured image

I want to thank Sophia Bokaie for allowing us an opportunity to revisit the Democrat lie that Republicans are trying to strip college students of their voting rights. Sophia lives in San Rafael, California, and visits New Hampshire to attend Dartmouth, where she is the Executive Director of the College Democrats.

Sophia Bokaie San Rafael California


This non-resident student, like Jessi Yu, wants you to support non-resident student Miles Brown for an NH House seat from the town of Hanover. She/Her insists that Republicans don’t want college students to vote, not a word of which is accurate.

She also insists that out-of-state students should be voting because the legislature greatly impacts them. So does Mexico if you go to school there but by all means, try to vote there.

From your letter, I can see that you are well-versed in the necessary propaganda, but none of it carries any weight, especially when you open up with that blatant lie about student voting rights.

If “Republicans” were a private citizen, they could sue you for libel and win.

Democrats are all in on absentee voting and voting by mail. So, whether you are attending college overseas or out of state, you can vote. No one on the right is trying to confuse you or make that difficult. No one is stopping you. Request an absentee ballot for the address on your state-issued ID, regardless of state. Complete it, return it, and your right to vote is secured.


I know, it’s not done.

Democrats will continue to lie about student voting rights because if out-of-state college students like Sophie and Jessi voted in California, where they live (by their admission), New Hampshire Democrats could lose a handful or perhaps dozens of seats in the state legislature and possibly other races further up or down the ballot.

That’s all this is, and wouldn’t it be refreshing if you just admitted it? But you can’t.

The left will say or do anything to keep that from happening, even if it means lying and confusing college students to do it.

And no, I don’t think that will stop Connecticut resident Miles Brown from running or you from voting for him. Nor will it stop us from writing about how you stole votes from New Hampshire residents by voting here when you should have voted absentee in your home state, which will look great on your resume as you climb the progressive political ladder.

That’s the only reason Miles is running. To pad his political resume at the expense of an actual New Hampshire resident by collecting votes from out-of-state students robbing the locals of their voice. He’ll leave after graduating, perhaps even resign the seat mid-term to pursue a paying opportunity in business or politics.

He wouldn’t be the first.


