It's Hot! - Granite Grok

It’s Hot!

climate change truth

Oh boy, it is hot! We older folks better keep hydrated and out of the sun. Find a nice cool place and settle in. As for you younger kids still working drink, drink  and go easy and out of the sun.

Ran into a lady at BJ’s who claims this heat wave is proof absolutely of Global Warming, Well, foolishly I dissented and was treated to one of “those looks”.  Being too hot to engage in debate there I’ve decided to point out a couple facts here.

First, It’s July, midsummer, and just like every summer, it’s always hot. This heat wave is a bit unusual here in NH; unusual but nothing that hasn’t happened in previous months of July. Now, if this was November, I could concede the Greens might have a reasonable claim to evidence – but it is not.

Second, where was the evidence of this “global warming” last winter when below freezing temps went on for weeks? Seemed like our furnace ran continually during the night and our propane heater in the living room saw more action in years as we watched TV.

Third, to be global it has to be GLOBAL, doesn’t it? It’s not because most of our northern hemisphere is dealing with normal summers or even cooler ones.

Still, those dedicated “save the planet” activists never let facts or science stand in the way of a good chance to impress the gullible with “the sky is falling”. This has been going on for about five decades and not one of their predicted disaster scenarios has come close to happening. The fact that our government has bought into and encourages this nonsense needs to tell people that the currently entrenched majorities are playing some sort of game at our expense. Every independent study in recent years shows the nonsense as nonsense. The arctic ocean is not ice-free, coastal cities are not flooded and under water nor has sea water encroached up the Mississippi River all the way to the Great Lakes, not even to New Orleans.

Okay some glaciers are melting at some increasing rates but have been melting ever since the end of the last Ice Age. If it is warming, the planet is doing so at such a slow rate that any calls of “disaster” are of the Chicken Little variety. Only way we stop this is by replacing those entrenched now with people who deal in facts and legitimate science.

Keep this in mind when you vote in November.
