Learn the System, Exploit the System - Granite Grok

Learn the System, Exploit the System

due-process Pix4Free Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3

Given that Republicans in DC have decided (in caving in), just like the Republicans in Concord, that they can redefine words any way they want to “DO SOMETHING”, the money they are about to use as bribes to the “various State” to implement Red Flag laws, I’m betting this will happen:

How Red Flag Laws Work meme Liberal Logic 101 on Gab


Let’s just forget about those little words like “shall not infringe” and “Law of Unintended Consequences”.  “Due Process“? Yeah, just like the show trial that the Democrats are doing on January 6 – their version of Trump’s “The Apprentice” in trying to get the public to say “Your Fired!” on any political trumped-up charges they can muster. Thankfully, their ratings are as low as their egos are large.

There are laws on the books that if someone is a danger to themselves or others, they can be taken into custody.  It ISN’T the gun that is the problem, it’s the person HOLDING the gun.  These Republicans have fallen for the Civilian Disarmament philosophy that guns kill. It’s just like over at Treehugger that complains, more often and louder, that SUVs kill and not the driver.

Sorry, these Squishes have gone hook, line, and sinker in showing us that DO SOMETHING melds that UniParty together – and it is always a hard turn to the Left for “solutions”.

Democrats will see to it. After all, ask yourself: look around and see how many politicians, police, and prosecutors/judges are contributing to the revolving door in just Chicago for the gang-bangers brought in on firearms violations? In the city that has amongst the strictest gun laws in the nation?  And in a few hours, these criminals hardly even get a slap on the wrist?

Ditto the Antifi and BLM rioters?  But let them be on the Right, like the Jan. 6 rioters who casually strolled through the Congressional building – staying within the roped-off lane?

Sorry, but I’ve lost confidence in our government institutions because of, to use the language of the Left, the inequality of application of the Law. Laws for me but not for thee?

And NO one can tell me different as in a very few minutes, I can bring up scores of examples – like Hillary, like Hunter Biden. The famous and the politically connected seemingly have a different set of rules that don’t apply to you and me.
