Three Navy Sailors Drop Dead on the Same Ship In the Same Week - Death by Vaxx? - Granite Grok

Three Navy Sailors Drop Dead on the Same Ship In the Same Week – Death by Vaxx?

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Young, healthy people have been dropping dead. Athletes more famously, but the side-effects from the mRNA viruses (they never needed) have elevated all-cause mortality in every age group, so what about this?


Both named sailors were 23. The third victim was found unresponsive on April 15. Their identity has yet to be released. All died on the USS George Washington while it was in dry dock in Newport News, Virginia, where it has been undergoing refurbishments since 2017.

No causes of death have been shared, although Navy officials say more information is forthcoming, and have deployed a rapid response psychiatric team on board the vessel to try and avoid further tragedies.


The ship is the USS George Washington, and I suspect the only reason we heard about it was that three died on one ship in one week. The cause of death has not been released, but what if it’s from a sudden heart attack in once otherwise healthy sailors forced to take the COVID19 vaccine?

How many sudden deaths have occurred elsewhere, not just in the Navy, and gone unnoticed and unnamed by the media?

The official COVID Vaccine VAERS death count is just under 30,000, but we know those numbers are undercounted from admissions by government doctors. We should expect the same everywhere else, including the USS George Washington and every other ship and base or deployment in the US military.

So, how many have died from an unsafe and potentially lethal injection that doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission of COVID?


