FDA Hearing is Not for Another 5 Days and Maine Is Already Preparing to Jab Your Babies - Granite Grok

FDA Hearing is Not for Another 5 Days and Maine Is Already Preparing to Jab Your Babies

Vial Syringe were coming for your babies

If you missed it, the Bidenistas all but begged Pfizer to request approval to Jab your babies. The FDA has a hearing on that request next Tuesday (2-15-22). And Maine has announced that it is greasing the bureaucratic skids to make sure this can happen the moment the FDA says go!


The state is allowing health care providers to place vaccine orders now, and is planning to work with pediatricians and family practitioners to administer vaccines to younger kids once it is approved, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Nirav Shah said Wednesday. That would be similar to how most children are vaccinated against other diseases.


And while you’ll be able to get your infant or toddler inoculated at any of the many drive-by, walk-in jab centers, pediatricians will probably be the most popular place to juice junior.

But they don’t need it.

Some Numbers

Maine uses the CDC, and their data sucks, so I’ll use New Hampshire to compare. Since COVID day one, the Granite State has recorded 73,457 positive cases in the 0-20 age group. It means that 75% of this demographic statewide has never tested or over-tested positive after almost two years of the so-called COVID plague.

The Jab™ was approved for ages 12 and up in May of 2021.

At the end of 2020, there were 6151 positive test results in NH in the 0-20 age group, ten hospitalizations, no deaths. At the end of 2021, a year (and six months’ worth of jabbing minors) later, we reported 40,672 positive test results and 51 hospitalizations.

Six weeks into 2022, we have over 73,000 positive cases and still only 51 hospitalizations.

New Hampshire nearly doubled positive tests from 2021 for the 0-20 age groups in the first six weeks of 2022 but not one new hospitalization. So, what does all of this data tell us?

COVID is not a threat to anyone under 20 before or after The Jab™.

In other words, there’s no medical reason to Jab them. None. But the FDA, Bidenistas, and Pfizer are ready to approve COVID vaccinations for those six months to 5 years of age, and the state of Maine is prepping for expected approval (the hearing is next Tuesday).

It’s not a done deal but it feels like it will get approved.

And I didn’t look yet, but I’d bet NH’s Department of health is doing something similar, and we know all the Blue States are on board. They probably also expect parents to be more comfortable if pediatricians do the jabbing.


Pediatricians that likely work for a hospital system that will not permit them to use common sense or the department of health’s data to advise against the injection. You know, something along the lines of, they don’t need it. They are not at risk. It is unnecessary. Because of this, I’ll repeat what I wrote here last week.


Pfizer has submitted an application to the FDA for approval. That’s how the media and the water carriers will spin it. The word “approval” makes people think the vaccine is approved and it is not.

You need to clarify this whenever you see or hear this. They are applying for Emergency Use Authorization approval to give infants and small children THE EXPERIMENTAL DRUG.

First, there’s no emergency. Second, they don’t need it. Third, it doesn’t work. Fourth, it has some nasty potential side effects. Fifth, this is a drug that will not prevent them from getting infected or spreading COVID but may make them more susceptible than if we’d left them alone. Sixth, did I mention they don’t need it?


They don’t need it. Parents need to see these numbers and understand that they introduce their child to unnecessary side effects from the vaccine by ignoring this truth.

Here’s to hoping at least a few of them listen.
