Maine Does Nothing to Protect Health Care Workers from Termination - Has to Call up National Guard to "Replace" Them - Granite Grok

Maine Does Nothing to Protect Health Care Workers from Termination – Has to Call up National Guard to “Replace” Them

Health care nurses doctors walking away Original Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

Maine has a public health crisis. Well, it’s a health care worker crisis. A Public-private partnership crisis? Elected officials did nothing to protect unvaccinated health care workers from vaccine discrimination by employers, and now there is a shortage. The governor has ordered the National Guard up to help.


Gov. Janet Mills announced Wednesday that she is activating the Maine National Guard to augment short health care staffing and requesting federal help for two beleaguered hospitals amid a record COVID-19 surge.


From weekend warriors to COVID warriors (again). They will perform mostly non-medical support roles, according to this report. But it wouldn’t it be better if the State had stepped up and said, hey – no firing people with exemptions or, better yet, no firing them at all.

That recently released super-secret Pfizer doc suggests that women are three times more likely than men to suffer some form of vaccine harm, including death. The majority of nurses are still women.

If they read research inside and outside the approved lines, there’s plenty of reason to feel squirrely about all of it, and even more, if you have legitimate conscience concerns.

But Maine is getting Blueish, and that’s not how they roll, so they let hospitals and clinics terminate trained professionals during a public health crisis.

And while the National Guard may be an essential resource deploying them in this capacity makes you look like an idiot, in my opinion, especially if you already had a health care worker shortage before you let hospitals fire capable personnel, making matters worse.

The people of Maine need to read between the lines and find some “leaders” with some sense before more of them die, not because of COVID but because of incompetence.


HT | Bangor Daily News
