Blogline of the Day - I Don’t Think Biden Knows What’s Coming - Granite Grok

Blogline of the Day – I Don’t Think Biden Knows What’s Coming

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Build Back Better is going to turn into Biden Better Backoff.

Every time we turn around, we see President Asterisk thinking that his 40,000+ vote total over Trump was cause to think “National Mandate!” and do whatever he wants.

Or better, the puppet master that is pulling Dementia Joe’s strings. Lights are on (barely) and we are wondering if anyone is at home. Well, sometimes it’s an optimistic wonder that anyone is at home.

Too many mandates, via Executive Orders, too many Executive Branch agencies “reimagining” and “re-interpreting” present laws, regulations, and “guidance” – and every single one has resulted in fewer Liberties for the rest of us.

Every single one has Government pushing Society around. Each change is supposed to bring us to a new Utopia of their making – and a Progressive hell for the rest of us.

At some point, when will that tipping point arrive? When will the rest of us get SUFFICIENTLY ticked to say “here’s OUR Red line’?

How much longer will you just TAKE it? Or are you going just let them continue to laugh at you?
