Tucker Carlson's Take Down of Joe Biden and Democrat Gun-Control Narratives - Granite Grok

Tucker Carlson’s Take Down of Joe Biden and Democrat Gun-Control Narratives

Democrats know so much that simply isn’t true, but they know less than nothing when it comes to firearms. This is a hot topic because Whoever is Running the Biden Admninstarion had Joe sign some stuff. Then they propped him up for a little speech, all of it lies.

Related: The Best Way to Defend Gun Rights May Be to Attack Religious Freedom

Tucker Carlson made time to expose the lies which we’ve been doing here for years. But this was Tucker, and he has a budget and a TV show and junk.

We’re all on the same page, but he looks slick, and he’s right.

Democrats openly lie about guns, gun control, violence, and their motivations, and Tucker Carlson is here to set the record straight – and there’s plenty of Tucker-Face for you to share with friends, family, Democrat reps, whomever you choose.

HT | RedState
