Maine Superior Court Rejects Move to Extend Ballot Counting Past Election Day - Granite Grok

Maine Superior Court Rejects Move to Extend Ballot Counting Past Election Day

Gavel Court Judge

The Alliance for Retired Americans sounds like a sweet bunch just looking out for retirees. Why else would they petition the state to extend voting in Maine well past Election Day, November 3rd? Well, it could be that they are an AFL-CIO Unionfron group looking to increase the likelihood of election fraud, and they are!

Related: Democrat Clerk Charged With Altering Nearly 200 Mail-In Ballots

Their Lawsuit “alleged that the state’s vote by mail requirements were “burdensome” and would “force older voters to choose between protecting their health or casting a ballot they know will be counted.”

The Court did not see it that way.


State law currently requires that all ballots be in the hands of local election officials by 8 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted.

The judge ultimately sided with the state, saying “the harm to the State’s electoral process outweighs the minor burdens imposed by those laws on the right to vote.”


Fox has more here.


Justice William R. Stokes denied the plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction that would have blocked state officials from enforcing the current laws, claiming that state interests — including the desire to prevent voter fraud — outweigh any burdens that may be imposed on voters. One such law forbids third parties from being compensated for collecting and turning in ballots, a practice often referred to as ballot harvesting.


The union front group is (naturally) appealing to The State Supreme Court, which will need to expedite the case. I have no idea how they are likely to rule, but you never can tell with judges.

Here’s to hoping Maine is not opened up to massive election fraud.
