BlogQuestion of the Day: So I guess the "Wage Gap" is no longer a relevant question? - Granite Grok

BlogQuestion of the Day: So I guess the “Wage Gap” is no longer a relevant question?

Wage gap between all 58 genders

You know, the Left will grab onto anything that is drifting by and weaponize it to forward a political agenda. Fortunately for us on the Right, their Left hand hasn’t figured out what their further Left hand has done or is doing and the same thing with their far Leftist hand. For decades, we’ve heard this now debunked meme that there is a wage gap between men and women which almost always explained by hours worked differentials, job differentials, different jobs picked (e.g., nursing/teaching vs loggers/engineers), different risks taken, and time off for raising children, and the like.

But now with the notion that the Left has introduced and has totally embraced a whole spectrum of “gender identity fluidity” (e.g., take the 60s “love the one you’re with” and put it on steroids topped with with a dozen cups / day of expresso) in which nobody is really any sex at all in its March to Relativity Total Nonsense Where Nothing No Longer Makes Any Sense At All, how can you even MEASURE a wage gap when you can’t measure a “gender gap”???  How do you measure “wage gap” when gazillions of gender dysphorics and Smart A$$e$ say they are earning X, Y or Z across 40 Measures of Gender Identity Gray-ness?  To solve that , you’ll start getting into differential Calculus of ever decreasing intervals with an ever expanding problem domain. Maybe even borrow some time on Google’s Quantum Superiority machine.

Hey, you can even say that to your local SJW and I’m betting that the Bell Curve will show that they have no idea what you just said.  Long tail of no understanding, you see.

The old question depended on two sexes / genders (both co-defined as the same thing) – male and female. The Left proceeded to weaponize that stark difference in order to have Government have a larger role in dictating how private enterprises were going to pay their employees.  Remember, it is never about “a thing” with Progressives – it is always about Control (obtaining it, weaponizing it, using it to further an Agenda). Now that their Gender Left Hand decided that making sexual differences null and void (your chromosomes / genitals are of no importance whatsoever), the Financial Left Hand has just had its knees cut out from underneath it.

Go ahead, ask me that question of do I think Wage Gaps are evil – my answer will be to laugh my fool head off with “compared to which sex?” and wait for the deer-in-headlight look to morph into one of Anger as they realize they just nullified themselves.

See, we on the Right, even as we heartily disagree that there are an infinite number of pronouns and genders to go with them, can Alinsky them on their own turf on this issue.  All you have to do is realize the baseline stand, examine their questiona, and then take the discussion outside of their area of expertise (Rules #2, #4, and #5).

Quick answer: there is no wage gap because it can’t exist.

(H/T: Powerline)
