Seriously, they feel “picked on” because they feel they have to – put on makeup? And then call it “a tax”? From TreeHugger (emphasis mine):
“Makeup, in short, is a norm, and nothing ruins a first impression like a norm violation,” writes Olga Khazan on the very real and troubling phenomena of the Makeup Tax.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, the makeup tax refers to the time and money that women spend on doing their makeup and hair in order to achieve a certain minimum appearance of professionalism. This tax is one that men don’t have to worry about, and is essentially another form of pay inequality. Even many women who do not work feel a social pressure to wear makeup in public. And there’s plenty of research to show that women who wear makeup are more likely to get paid and promoted more.
Gosh, and thought this was the “buck authority” and “be your own person crowd”. I have three questions for them:
- What law was passed that FORCES you to do so?
- Who collects this “tax” (yet another bastardization of the language so as to self-victimize)
- And how “oppressed” does this make you feel?
No empathy or pity – I remember having to spend the time, as well, before I had to travel cross-country on business (a “tax” on my time?), buying a gaggle of suits (real money out of my pocket – but my haberdasher collected that tax for the government?), making sure “the shave” was perfect (is that considered to be yet another tax for paying for the electric razor and the pre- and after-shave lotions), and the haircuts (and I HATE spending the time to get a haircut – absolutely hate it).
Listen, those of you that feel so put upon, change. Yes change. I got tired of the “consultant uniform” – I now work from home. Shorts and a T-shirt most of the year, sweatpants or jeans in the dead of winter. Shaving? If I don’t have to leave the house for a couple of days, that shaving battery charge lasts longer (although I’ve noticed that since my facial hair has gone grey, the “new beard” look that supposedly is so sexy and haute just makes me look old and disheveled (the battery is now getting charged more often).
doesn’t look all that new on me – Don’t miss getting “dressed to the nines” either. Oh sure, I “clean up purty” if I have to – but I made the lifestyle change decision for me instead of parading around for others.
But once again, I point out the dissembling of the language – a “tax”? I laughed when I read it – after all, aren’t Liberals in FAVOR of paying higher taxes? And you over at Treehugger are all about paying more for food, for energy, for this, for that, and all kinds of things.
Oh, yeah, that’s right, when OTHER people pay that higher tax.
And no, this is not a tax. Regardless of what you say. After all, there’s no government cop coming to arrest you if you don’t want to pay.