Yet another NH Republican quits - Part "I need more fingers to count" - Granite Grok

Yet another NH Republican quits – Part “I need more fingers to count”

After putting up this post, a comment was left at our Facebook page (emphasis mine):

 Good for you Skip. We’ve neglected our personal life too in order to TRY to get the NHGOP to keep it’s promises and party platform. We’re done. Next trip to the town office will include a change in my registration to Independent.

Churn – in the marketplace, something to be avoided as there is a cost, usually a significant cost, in “obtaining” a new customer.  Thus, KEEPING existing customers is always much more economical long term.  Ditto for “political customers” – so what is the “churn” rate for the NH GOP right now?  Certainly we’ve seen it lately with the NH GOP Exec Directors (a spinning top situation) – but I wonder if the Exec Board worries about their “customers”?
