“Hello, Skip!” – Part 1


NH GOP Victory Starts Now LogoFinally got my first call from the NH GOP GOTV (Get Out The Vote) process two nites ago.  I could tell it wasn’t done from the State Committee Member list – on that, I am “Skip”.  No, it was using my formal given name – so I knew instantly it was from the RNC official list.  I also knew that the guy at the other end of the line had access to where I lived, what I do, what my interests are, and most importantly – how often I vote (just about every election except when an emergency biz trip doesn’t allow time for an absentee ballot) and all the like.  So, I was expecting The Question:

“Can we count on your vote for the Republican races on Tuesday”?

My instant reply:

“For some races, yes”

Silence.  More silence; “Well, thank you for your time”.  Click.  I don’t think he saw that coming.  What!  I’m only doing what Scott Brown said HE was promising to do – buck his own Party.  See – leading by example!

The Proper Role of Government.  Consistency breeds Trust yields Votes.  Winning is merely the precursor; what is more important is what is done afterwards.

All I have been hearing that the Republicans must take over the Senate; by yammering over and over again that he is an “Independent”, Romney saying he will buck his own Party (which means Principles), and his own voting records, Trust just isn’t there.

All I have been hearing is that the Republicans must take over the NH Governorship – you know: “because Democrats”.  Yet, very few within the NH GOP will even acknowledge that it was the NH State Senate Republicans that gave us and passed Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion, the elevated gas tax, and more silencing and regulation of political speech; yet Jennifer Horn and the GOP hypocritically keep blaming it on Maggie Hassan.  It is apparent that they can’t see (or more to the point, don’t care) this rot in the Party in doing so.  Because “WInning” is all that matters.  Even as Havenstein has publicly repudiated his repeal / veto stance on Medicaid Expansion – so we will see $100 million hole in the budget from taking people already paying for their own insurance and making them wards of the State.  Yeah, attention to detail (er, that IS what they say in the Marines, right?  I remember the Eldest absolutely obsessing over his uniform after Paris Island graduation before going out in public…).

So if the GOP is just gonna pass the Democrat agenda and have no accountability for it…..?

The Republicans must take over the Senate to get rid of Harry Reid – well, there are 6 races that seem to be already sewn up and baked in that are more assured than that here in NH (with the caveat of Catalist GOTV being the big jitter-inducing heeby-jeebies) that will accomplish that.

The Republicans must take over the Senate to stop Obama’s agenda – oh please, you really think THAT’S gonna work on ANYONE that is even a half-jigger politically aware and news following?  Two reason why that dog don’t bite:

  • Months ago, the Republicans took Impeachment off the table
  • Months ago, the Republicans took the Power of the Purse off the table (remember how badly they bungled TPofP Constitutional tool the last time)
  • Obama could care less – does the phrase “Executive Orders” mean ANYTHING to you?

Obama doesn’t care about Congress now and will care even less if it is Republican controlled in both chambers.  He doesn’t have to – just like the rebel yell of “Repeal Obamacare!” has had its final echo, the intent to use the only Constitutional tools at their disposal have just been put under glass with the original.  Not gonna use Impeachment?  Not gonna defund?  Such a deal in emptying your own quiver in front of your enemy.  And make no mistake – he DOES see you as the enemy.

I’m tired and sick of the empty rhetoric that has absolutely no chance of success because those speaking them have no intention of really girding their loins and taking on the Real Hard Fight.

After all, when Mitt starts talking that the new Republican Majorities are going to do “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, we in the grassroots know what that means – not for our good but for the US Chamber.  And we want to make that possible…..why?  Haven’t we had enough of pushing the Democrat agenda FORWARD! here in NH – why enable them to do it in DC as well?

By the way, I didn’t have the heart to crush that earnest young man’s spirit further – his silence already said I had.

Stark and Langdon



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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