Jeanne Shaheen Voter Fraud Queen - Granite Grok

Jeanne Shaheen Voter Fraud Queen

Jeanne Shaheen the Voter Fraud Queen is going to run as negative a campaign as she can against the Independent she is going to face in November. Her little army of out of state supporters will kick into gear here in NH then slip away after the election, just like they always do.

Case in point: Double voter and Jeanne Shaheen campaign worker and proven vote thief, Caitlin Ann Legacki.

Here is Caitlin Ann Legacki’s background and how she and Jeanne Shaheen used the corrupt NH election process to steal a vote from real NH residents.

Caitlin Ann Legacki came to NH in 2008 to work for Jeanne Shaheen – much like Shaheen’s daughter left her California apartment to campaign and vote in NH for mom, but that is another story.

Caitlin Ann Legacki registered in NH in 2008, while temporarily campaigning here, and voted Democrat from voter fraud nest at 1200 Elm St. in Manchester .

Caitlin Ann Legacki then moved on after that election to North Carolina in 2010 where she registered to vote while working for US Senator Kay Hagen. CNHT informed North Carolina activists about Caitlin still being listed as an “active” voter in 2014 and they in turn sent us all the voter history on her from their records. North Carolina has passed a set of excellent election reforms that New Hampshire should copy, fine tune for our state, and pass before 2016.

Caitlin then moved on to Missouri where she was a spokesman for US Senator Claire McCaskill. Caitlin Ann Legacki registered to vote in Missouri in 2012 and voted there. She is on YouTube on Election night all giddy about McCaskill’s win.

In November of 2012 CNHT caught Caitlin Ann Legacki’s name on the Manchester voter list – as voting.

That is called double voting.

This raises several questions.

How many states is Caitlin Ann Legacki allowed to be an active voter in AT ONE TIME and how come I, as a registered voter in NH do not have that “right” as well? We also have her as an active voter in Washington DC where she went after NH, NC, and Missouri .

But here is the special question you can ask Jeanne Shaheen the Voter Fraud Queen supporters when you see them.

How did Caitlin Ann Legacki stay on the NH statewide voter list when it was purged in 2010-11?

Who sent a letter back to the NH Secretary of State from the address she stole a NH vote from?


Do we have a special place on the statewide voter list for Democrat campaign workers who want to keep their national voting options open for themselves or a surrogate?

Boy it sure looks that way.

CNHT has other interesting examples of how our statewide voter checklist works in favor of non-resident voters.

It’s not just the courts, college professors, activists and liberal non-profits luring out-of state voters here.

Check out Caitlin here and here

Sorry, we can’t seem to find Caitlin Ann Legacki’s LinkedIn site any longer…


