Let me see…what do I want to do?
How about endorsing some candidates in the upcoming Republican Primary? Yea, that’s a sure fire way to get your taxpayer activist keister in a sling.
You have to understand that in New Hampshire every candidate from the far-far left to the far-far right is a “Tax Fighter”. It’s all over their signs and slippery mailers.
And how often am I disappointed in my elected official when push comes to raise taxes shove? Pretty often is the answer.
So we have the acquired from Governor Mel Thompson – tweaked through Grover Norquist, CNHT Pledge.
It is not a rocket science or math whiz pledge – simply no income or sales tax – period.
I remember riding in a car with Grover Norquist when he was on the phone bearing down on some Western Governor about the ATR No New Taxes Tax Pledge. The now elected “tax fighter” was trying to justify his new ideals. I thought “This ain’t for me”.
And so we have the easy Pledge. And except for Governor Jeanne Shaheen and her proposed 2% sales tax legislation, no one has broken it.
But we have some elected officials who have grown in office.
Dave Boutin comes to mind as a guy who needs some fresh pasture to graze in since he stepped in every cow pie EXCEPT an income or sales tax.
He is against Right to Work – SHAME!
Boutin has wandered into the tax and grow government area and looks quite comfortable there. That is a bad thing if he is re-elected.
On the other hand, we have Rep. Jane Cormier who I heartily endorse for the State senate. (We CNHT Directors are allowed personal preferences, for what they are worth.)
I can not see Rep. Jane Cormier ever letting taxpayers down.
I also endorse, are you ready, Jim Rubens for US Senate over other another Senate candidate I like and have worked for in the past.
So Why?
Jim Rubens has championed unpopular, at the time, issues such as Senate Bill #2 when we needed a champion.
He has opposed casinos in New Hampshire – Atlantic City is a prime example of a place that will pay dearly for the roller coaster ride of casino “revenue” and lobbyists. Jim Rubens was way ahead for the curve and worked that issue tirelessly. I was on the committee with him. I know how hard he worked.
Ands to top it off, Jim probably lost his NH State senate Seat to non-resident kids voting in Hanover , according to their handlers directions. CNHT takes a dim view of voter fraud or someone’s vote being worth more than yours.
So there it is.
I am only doing this because I think these two candidates, in these two races, are exceptional and now is their time and best chance.