Why is it so secretive for Republican office holder Kelly Ayotte to openly publish her “public meetings”? I got this yesterday from a disgruntled Republican who is tired of Republicans acting just like the Democrats in this matter (emphasis mine):
From: a ‘Grok Friend that wishes to remain anonymous
To: “skip@granitegrok.com” <skip@granitegrok.com>
Sent: 8/26/2014 10:19:47 AM
Subject: Ayotte Town Hall Scheduled for 8/28 @ 4P in LittletonI know that its shocking that this isn’t posted on Ayotte’s website……..but
Was on phone with NHGOP this badgering them over the hypocrisy of berating Shaheen over lack of town halls while not calling out Shea Porter, Kuster or our own Ayotte
Indeed. Why is it that the NH GOP Leadership – that would be NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, NH Senate Republicans Morse and Bradley, and US Senator Kelly Ayotte
can’t understand that the base sees this as rank stupidity – classless, ham-fisted, and short sighted? It is that old Biblical proverb of the mote in someone else’s eye and the beam (as in large piece of organic cellulose material and not a happy face) – don’t they understand that when adults hear that dribble, the eyes just roll as the credibility gauge runs further towards empty? Don’t they understand that credibility means pointing out one’s (self -achieved) afflictions AND fixing them first? Why continue to call out the Dems while lamely not recognizing that their elected officials are doing the same – what, they think us all dolts that can’t put 2 and 2 together as see that Republican zero?
Or are they always stuck sucking on the “little kid defense” of “I may be bad but look what the other side is doing”? When will they realize that they suck at the slight of hand stuff? But I digress….
……he got defensive and blurted out that she has a town hall scheduled for this Thurs……..then he got dumb and claimed to have only heard a rumor……
So, what should the base, what should the Committee Members, think about a Party that isn’t leveling with them? That it takes a gaffe, an “Oopsies!” to find out where The Senior NH Elected Republican Official will deign to meet with her public? Open and transparent this ain’t folks – tell me, what kind of “regard” does this show – or should that be “disregard”? It all comes back to Loyalty – it is not just given, but it is earned. It is earned first, not by demanding Loyalty upward (especially come election time) but Loyalty downward ALL the time.
But this is a lesson that the Republicans seem not to understand – or want to. Just like my favorite political equation: Consistency breeds Trust which yields Votes. They haven’t grasped that the base simply want the loyalty returned from their elected officials and part of that is a Consistency to Principle. Kelly Ayotte seems not able to grasp that – her campaigning on being virulently Anti-Amnesty has now changed to being Pro-Amnesty. But then again, I guess what the base holds is irrelevant. But I digress – again:
After much back and forth with Ayotte’s office and mentioning that the NHGOP stated that she had a town hall scheduled for Thurs they finally conceeded that they do in fact have one scheduled for Grafton Co[unty] this Thurs 8/28 beginning at 4:30pm
Doors open at 4pm and the location is the VFW @ 600 cottage st in Littleton
Nothing on the VFW site……
Shocking that it doesn’t seem to be posted on her own website yet or in any newspaper I can find……..
Anyone want to bet me 20 bucks it doesn’t get posted on her site in advance of the event?
Indeed. Also, I would draw your attention to the timing. Now, for active canddates trying to meet as many people during the day as possible, I can understand “stupid timing” with respect to the working people. You know, we little people who have to work for a living in order to pay the taxes that will pay these Representatives of ours – like Kelly Ayotte’s US Senatorial salary that bases out starting around $175,000/year. You’d think that for a sitting Senator who doesn’t have to really start campaigning for a while, she’d actually be gracious enough to hold that Town Hall at a time when we regular folks (or, at least those in the Littleton area) who don’t get out of work until 5pm, then must have some driving time, to be able to attend? Like, perhaps, 6pm? 6:30pm?
Why is it that the times always seem to be, for all of the talk of “inclusiveness” from the GOP, to exclude the very folks that have things to say to her?
BTW, I went to her website just now (or her campaign site)- and no mention of this meeting tomorrow.